Mono-Black 19 Relentless Rats!

Pauper BioProfDude


Rebuilt and ready to go! —April 14, 2019

I rebuilt the deck as more of a control-type of mono-black with a lot of rats, and it seems to work pretty well! The addition of Gray Merchant of Asphodel and some good removal, as well as sideboard answers for Tron, elves, and other top decks, seems to be pretty good. I have consistently beat affinity decks, and elves have a hard time with the deck as well. Delver decks are challenging, but still beatable.

It's a fun deck-- give it a try!

EvilMike says... #1

I am looking to build this deck for pauper but I am taking out a few of the rats for Grey Merch...just seems to good for this deck not to run him. Also for a side board suggestion, what would your thoughts be on running some Gruesome Fate?

March 29, 2018 1:14 a.m.

ektoe253 says... #2

cool deck! sideboards vary pretty widly and i have trouble with them also, but it cant hurt to put a relic of progenitous in there for the graveyard hate. gruesome fate would be awesome in this deck i think! i would probably cut the 3x moment of craving for those.

and i would def run a grey merhcant for the finisher!

looks fun!

July 23, 2018 10:51 p.m.

BioProfDude says... #3

ektoe253, thanks for the comment! This is an early build. I had just started playing pauper and just threw this together. I haven't had a chance to get back to it and improve it. I think your suggestions are great and I'll certainly consider them when I circle back to this in the near future!

Thanks for the comment and upvote!

July 25, 2018 9:11 a.m.