Just add water

Standard ed209


Dec. 11, 2013

tried it out at my last FNM and i ended up in fourth. Granted it was a smallish turn out and I lucked out on match ups but it was a fun night.

one game against a selesnya aggro, i was able to stall them out and wall myself with massive creatures to the point where he was past 80 life and i had over 5 +20/+20 creature. i know i lucked out cause he didnt top deck his Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Selesnya Charms but i was able to monstrous Polukranos, World Eater to be a 59/59 and wiped most of his aboard and after that it was down hill for him even at almost 90 life. this one game took about 50 minutes lol but i took the round 1-0