G/W Hexproof

Modern Fedy


FNM 2/1 —May 5, 2016

1.st game was agains creepy Zoo. I was killed instantly without a response.

2nd game was selesnya tokens and he didn't stand a chance. I was able to kill him even e/o sideboarding.

3rd game was quite suprisig. Played agains UWr Midrange. I have never drawn cards like this. 1st match was kill in 4, second in 5th.

So I am quite satisfied :)

RamblinMan says... #1

I would replace the pridemage with Silhana Ledgewalker.

April 29, 2016 12:59 p.m.

Fedy says... #2

I am thinking about it. But Qasali is able to save my game agains for example Ensnaring Bridge. Anyway thanks for comment.

April 29, 2016 1:09 p.m.