Community Discussion Archive

Welcome to the Community Discussion Archive!

What are Community Discussions?
Community Discussions are open feature threads meant to promote engaging conversation between TappedOut members. Anyone can post in them, and they're a great tool for interacting with the rest of the community. Discussion topics remain featured for a few days to a week, and then they rotate.

Can I participate in old discussions?
Yes. Although CD threads usually rotate when discussion dwindles, anyone can revitalize a thread with a constructive post. Make sure you contribute to the discussion!

What if I have an idea for a discussion topic?
Tell Epochalyptik. He oversees the Community Discussions, and he does take suggestions. Keep in mind that topics need to be relevant to MTG, and users should be able to discuss them in a meaningful, polite way.

The Archive

  1. What makes a good Magic player?
  2. What is it about your LGS?
  3. Owning your own shop
  4. The unsung heroes
  5. The counterfeiting situation
  6. Netdecking
  7. Mind games
  8. Posting practices
  9. How do you buy cards?
  10. What format do you believe is designed best?
  11. Judg(e)ment Day
  12. Why do you play the decks you play?
  13. Seasonal changes
  14. For the homebrewers
  15. Journey into Nyx reactions
  16. Official JOU Prerelease Discussion
  17. Official JOU Launch Weekend Discussion
  18. Do you "invest" in Magic?
  19. Ever been in a slump?
  20. What are your opinions about the barrier to entry?
  21. Is "RTFC" ever not rude?
  22. What kind of theorist are you?
  23. C14 reactions
  24. TappedOut and you
  25. The name game
  26. Most expensive opening hand?
  27. The official Fate Reforged spoiler discussion
  28. The official Fate Reforged prerelease/release discussion
  29. What's your guild?
  30. What's the most important part of deckbuilding?
  31. Official DTK Spoiler/Speculation Discussion
  32. The official Dragons of Tarkir prerelease/release discussion
  33. Modern Chat