Started back in high school during Planeshift and got out just before Alara. Just found my old collection and decided to start playing again. My best decks used to be a Magnivore Burn deck that could play early, mid, and late game and win; my Flaming Goblin Catapult of Death Deck, gob/zom, based around Deadapult + Dralnu's Crusade combo; and my favorite was my WB Cockroach Deck, a Cleric Prevent Dmg/Lifegain deck based around Master Apothecary to prevent, Dauntless One to gain life and Cho-Manno, Revolutionary + Pariah as ultimate dmg protection. Name was coined when my friends got upset they would take me below 5 life about 10 times a game and each time i would survive the killing blow. Just like a cockroach. Now, instead of Casual play, I'm concentrating on Standard for tournaments.

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MTG Decks

Khans Event Deck Revision

Standard Tombston3


Finished Decks 1
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Planeshift
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, Unformat, Unknown
Venues 3rd Coast Cards
Joined 9 years