Vendilion Clique and Priority-interactions
Asked by Kjartan 9 years ago
I cast my Vendilion Clique at the end of my opponents draw-step. It resolves. It enters the battlefield. By entering the battlefield its ability triggers and goes on the stack, but since my opponent has priority couldn't he just cast a piece of burn, and kill my Clique before its ability resolves, and thereby insuring that a can't remove that perticular card from his hand?
I was told this isn't possible but I am curious as off why, and if its even true.
Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #2
CR citation:
112.7a Once activated or triggered, an ability exists on the stack independently of its source. Destruction or removal of the source after that time won't affect the ability. Note that some abilities cause a source to do something (for example, "Prodigal Pyromancer deals 1 damage to target creature or player") rather than the ability doing anything directly. In these cases, any activated or triggered ability that references information about the source because the effect needs to be divided checks that information when the ability is put onto the stack. Otherwise, it will check that information when it resolves. In both instances, if the source is no longer in the zone it's expected to be in at that time, its last known information is used. The source can still perform the action even though it no longer exists.
February 10, 2015 5:02 p.m.
Makes sence, thank you :), but another thing; my opponent also gains priority when the ability goes on stack on my turn if I choose to clique them there, right?
February 10, 2015 5:06 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
An object on the stack only resolves if it is the topmost object on the stack and each player passes priority in succession without adding any other objects to the stack. Your opponent will always have a chance to respond to Vendilion Clique's ability.
Epochalyptik says... #1
Your opponent can respond to the ability, but killing Vendilion Clique won't stop the ability itself. Once on the stack, abilities exist independently of their sources. Removing the source will not remove the ability from the stack.
February 10, 2015 5:01 p.m.