Is mana earned in your upkeep gone from your manapool by your first main phase?
Asked by ferretersmith 10 years ago
I know mana leaves the pool between main phase 1, combat, and main phase 2. Just not sure if it leaves at any time between upkeep, draw, and main phase 1.
I'm asking because I'm considering adding Braid of Fire to my commander deck and don't have a tons of instants to play during my upkeep.
greensaleen says... #2
Mana pool empties between each phase. So yes it is gone by main phase 1. Braid of Fire , was really designed to pay for upkeep costs.
Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1
Mana pools are emptied at the end of every step and phase. Mana added to your mana pool during your upkeep will be gone by your draw step. Similarly, mana added at the beginning of combat will be gone by the declare attackers step and so on.
August 7, 2014 4:46 p.m.