How does The Ever-Changing 'Dane interact with only triggers once per turn abilities?
Asked by doodkyle 6 months ago
Let's say I have The Ever-Changing 'Dane and Welcoming Vampire on the battle field at the same time. 1. I use dane's ability to sac and copy the vampire. 2. I reanimate the vampire. 3. Dane (as a copy of the vampire) triggers, then I draw a card 4. I use dane to sac and copy the vampire. 5. I reanimate the vampire.
After the second reanimation, does dane trigger again since he is technically a copy of a different welcoming vampire, or not since he already triggered once?
Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1
Vampire-Dane will trigger again. Even though Dane is becoming a copy of Welcoming Vampire again, the new copy effect is overwriting all the "old" characteristics with a "new" set of characteristics, which means Dane has a new instance of the Vampire's triggered ability that hasn't triggered yet this turn.
June 5, 2024 8:45 a.m.