Card interactions with last ability of Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
Asked by CandyAngel 8 years ago
I'm trying to make sure I understand how exactly Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas's last ability works. The way I'm thinking of it, her presence on the battlefield makes the ability check to be sure she has the appropriate number of 1/1 counters, and if not, it adds them.
So basically, if Thief of Blood is played, and say Kalmne has 2 experience, thus 2 counters, Thief gets the counters, and Kalmne gets 2 new counters due to her ability. Is that correct? Is my reasoning for why right?
Also, say the 2 experience Kalmene gets removed from the battlefield and placed back to command zone. If she is recasted with Warstorm Surge on the field, do both her last ability and Surge's ability trigger simultaneously? I'm assuming Surge is based off of current power rather than base power (correct me if I'm wrong!!). So would I get to chose the order that Kalemne and Surge's abilities go on the stack?
Thank you so much :)
CandyAngel says... #2
I completely missed that they aren't 1/1 counters, so that clears that up, but the rest of your response doesn't address the second part of my question. I'll copy it here. Please re-read it. Thanks for your help so far.
"Say the 2 experience Kalmene gets removed from the battlefield and placed back to command zone. If she is recasted with Warstorm Surge on the field, do both her last ability and Surge's ability trigger simultaneously? I'm assuming Surge is based off of current power rather than base power (correct me if I'm wrong!!). So would I get to chose the order that Kalemne and Surge's abilities go on the stack?"
August 2, 2016 9 a.m.
First of the last ability does not tigger. It is not a triggered ability. It is a static ability. At any time that Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas exists on the battlefield, it will be getting +1/+1 for each experience counter YOU have. (The exp counters are on you, the player, not Kalemne, the creture.)
If you play Kalemne with Warstorm Surge out and you have 2 experience counters, Kalemne's power will be 5, and that's how much damage Warstorm Surge will have her deal to target creature or player.
In terms of ordering triggers though: Yes, if two abilities trigger simultaneously, and you control both of them, you do get to choose the order they go on the stack, so if you had Warstorm Surge out and played a creature with an ability that read, "When [CardName] enters the battlefield, put 2 +1/+1 counters on [CardName]," then you would get to choose whether it dealt damage before or after the counters would be placed on it.
August 2, 2016 9:15 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
Ah, I mistakenly thought we were talking about the experience-granting ability there.
Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas's last ability is a a static ability, not a triggered ability. It applies from the moment Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas enters the battlefield until the moment it leaves. In this case, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas will enter as a 5/5 because you have two experience counters.
Note that it'd still work in your favor even if it were a triggered ability, since Warstorm Surge's ability only checks the power of the new creature when the ability resolves; it doesn't care what the power is when the creature enters.
Epochalyptik says... #1
First, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas's ability does not use +1/+1 counters. It uses a static buff. An effect only uses counters if it explicitly states "counters."
So Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas's last ability confers a +1/+1 buff for each experience counter you have. No +1/+1 counters are added or removed.
Also, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas's second ability functions only from the battlefield. It doesn't trigger when you cast Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas (and Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas is a CMC 4 creature spell anyway. CMC is always based on the value printed in the upper right of the card; the commander tax doesn't change mana cost or CMC.
August 2, 2016 8:53 a.m.