Opinions on playing with Proxy cards.

The Kitchen Table forum

Posted on Feb. 28, 2023, 6:29 a.m. by ItsLittyDude

What is everyone's opinions on playing with proxy cards?

For those who do not know, playing with proxy cards is when someone cannot get or does not have a specific card so they get a piece of paper or cardboard and write the card name, cost etc. And use that instead of the actual card.

Now obviously these are not allowed in tournaments but at the kitchen table (home brew matches) players can use whatever they want.

Personally, I dont like it. My friends and I have banned proxies when we play. One of my friends absolutely HATES it when people use proxy cards. I don't like it because I believe it ruins the esthetic and kind of "cheats" the game. Part of mtg and deck building to me is either building with what you have and relying on what you open from packs and/or ordering the specific cards you need from Card Kingdom, TCG player etc. I understand that some cards are CRAZY expensive (looking at you Black Lotus) but there are also alternatives to almost any card in mtg.

What are your guys' thoughts? No hate to anyone who uses proxy cards, that is not the intention of this post. Just wanted others opinions on the matter.


shadow63 says... #2

I'm not a fan of them either

February 28, 2023 10:43 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

There is a featured discussion on this subject that can be found at this link. That thread has a number of users following it already and contains a fair bit of existing discussion that is worth a read if you want to see what others’ opinions are, as well as if you want to share your own.

To limit duplicate threads on the same topic, I am going to lock this one, but encourage you to post on the one linked above.

February 28, 2023 12:21 p.m.

This discussion has been closed