Yahenni, The One Punch Partisan

Commander / EDH sonalexander


Land swaps for MDFCs —Feb. 6, 2024

I’ve been kicking this around for a long time.

Out: Crypt of Agadeem Volrath’s Stronghold Cabal Stronghold

In: Agadeem’s awakening Hagra Mauling Malakir Rebirth


So, for a long time, I’ve noticed that I just NEVER use any of the lands I removed.

Cabal Stronghold and Crypt of Agadeem never produce mana like I want them too. I rarely have more basic swamps out than non basics so Stronghold doesn’t really act like a second Cabal Coffers, and Crypt of Agadeem rarely does anything, because there is so much built in recursion in this deck, that I rarely have enough creatures in the hard to matter.

Volrath’s Stronghold comes out for reasons listed above. So it made sense to me to finally make the switch to the 3 MDFCs listed.

They just simply DO MORE, than what is currently in place.

Agadeem’s Awakening is another copy of either Wake the Dead or Rise of the Dark Realms late game, or a land early on. So more Reanimation is never a bad thing. This actually fills the spot of Volrath’s stronghold as well.

Malakir Rebirth is great cause it gives Undying without really giving Undying, so it can save Yahenni or other key pieces in a clutch situation.

Hagra’s Mauling is honesty the weakest of the choices here, but it’s still remove or a land, so it has the edge in that case. Having an extra spot remove in niche cases is never a bad thing, and it’s a land otherwise.