Bladewing the Triggerer

Commander / EDH manaman22


July 12, 2020

Purphoros, God of the Forge -> Sideboard
Terror of the Peaks -> Main
4.28 -> 4.30

X-Factor11105 says... #1

Love it! I'm trying to put together a Bladewing build now and will be referencing this :)

What would you say is the power level of the build right now?

February 18, 2020 7:21 p.m.

manaman22 says... #2

Thanks for taking a look. I would call it an explosive Focused deck. It has a clear plan and uses most of the best cards to execute that plan, with some leeway for fun high-mana cards. When left it's own devices, it can certainly pressure a table. You would be looking at turn 6 or later wins in most cases. Being a reanimator list, that can certainly happen sooner with a Buried Alive and some good mana acceleration or a spicy Faithless Looting.

The deck is built for the aftermath of the first sweeper and being able to recover faster than everyone else. It ideally spends the first few turns ramping, looting, and aiming for 3RRBB. Once there, it casts Bladewing and starts swinging. Looting continues until Bladewing and it's sister threat are dealt with. From there, it is trying to use mass reanimation spells to have explosive turns. You won't always win the same turn, but you can definitely put the whole table on a "sweeper or bust" clock. Things like Warstorm Surge or Dragon Tempest (especially) provide serious force multipliers and Haste is always valuable here. Most people underestimate haste until you one-shot a table with it, even more so without too many tokens.

February 25, 2020 7:59 p.m.