Azorius Contollius (2nd at FNM!!!)

Standard jmarlowe216


FNM 5/16/14 —May 24, 2014

2nd Place at FNM!!!! Went 4-0-1

Match 1 - Ended as a draw 1-1-1. Playing a B/W midrange death and taxes type with Athreo. I should have won the match but had to mulligan down to 5 the first game and just barely lost that game.

Match 2 - WON 1-0. Played against America control. Game one went to turns and I won on turn 3 of the first game.

Match3 - Won 2-0. Played against a U/G evolve hybrid thing. I had solid board control from the beginning and he really didn't stand a chance.

Match 4 - Won 2-0. Played against a standard G/R monsters deck. He got a few hits on me but nothing major and was able to lock down the board with relative ease.

Match 5 - Won 1-0. Played against a U/W control mirror. Decklists were almost identical. Game 1 again went to turns and I ended up winning on turn 5.

MadScientist says... #1

Deck is pretty good you are definitely missing AEtherling huge win for an azorius deck.

You can check out my U/W control deck In complete control...- it does quite well, for some inspiration.

March 8, 2014 3:03 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #2

matteus400 thanks for the suggestion. I was actually going to pick those last night at FNM but the shop was out and no one had any to trade. Definately going to try and get a couple before the next time I go out.

March 8, 2014 12:47 p.m.