Mono Green Aggro

Standard* The_Dude947


First 4-0! —June 14, 2014

Finally got that natural 4-0. Played Mono-Blue, A couple different Black decks, and ended the night against Burn. Only lost 1 game the entire night, and that was against Blue

HairyHorux says... #1

A +1/+1 counter deck and no Kalonian Hydra ? Shame on you. Shaaammme. In all seriousness though, a 4/4 trampler that turns into an 8/8 when it attacks and also doubles all of your other counter creatures is insane. Only problem is that it is just above your mana curve, not counting the bestow cost of the saytr. Just something to consider as a major win con if it doesn't slow your deck down.

May 8, 2014 5:20 p.m.

The_Dude947 says... #2

I love Kalonian Hydra, and use him in most of my green decks. The point of this deck is to rush with as much damage as fast as possible and finish them off with Aspect of Hydra

May 8, 2014 5:29 p.m.

caseyFermi1 says... #3

If you can afford them, Garruk, Caller of Beasts would be amazing. Each +1 would draw you 3-4 cards.

May 19, 2014 8:12 p.m.

Riptose13 says... #4

Gyre Sage is not that great, And neither is Swordwise. Trade Gyre sage for a few Kalonian Hydras

And this is Mono Green with quite a bit of Devotion. Revenant Hunter is a MUST for this deck.

Now, I know this sounds very strange, but a Good Ole DerpDear (Brushstrider) Is a pretty decent Card for this kind of deck. 3/1 with vigilance for 2 mana.

Overall, pretty good deck, +1

May 26, 2014 10:33 p.m.