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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Tyranid


Ravenous (This creature enters the battlefield with X !/! counters on it. If X is 5 or more, draw a card when this enters.)

When Ravener enters the battlefield, target creature attacks target opponent this turn if able.

Gidgetimer on Ravener vs goaded creature

2 years ago

You will have a choice of who to attack. There will be three requirements on the attacking creature. (Attack, Attack a player besides the one who goaded it, attack the player you targeted with Ravener). If you targeted the player who goaded the creature with Ravener, two of those requirements will be mutually exclusive, meaning that the maximum number of requirements that can be followed is two. When declaring attacks the requirement is that you follow as many requirements as possible without disobeying any restrictions. Attacking the player targeted with Ravager and attacking any player besides the player who goaded it both follow two requirements and are both valid.

508 Declare Attackers Step

508.1. First, the active player declares attackers. This turn-based action doesn’t use the stack. To declare attackers, the active player follows the steps below, in order. If at any point during the declaration of attackers, the active player is unable to comply with any of the steps listed below, the declaration is illegal; the game returns to the moment before the declaration (see rule 729, “Handling Illegal Actions”).

508.1a The active player chooses which creatures that they control, if any, will attack. The chosen creatures must be untapped, and each one must either have haste or have been controlled by the active player continuously since the turn began.

508.1b If the defending player controls any planeswalkers, or the game allows the active player to attack multiple other players, the active player announces which player or planeswalker each of the chosen creatures is attacking.

508.1c The active player checks each creature they control to see whether it’s affected by any restrictions (effects that say a creature can’t attack, or that it can’t attack unless some condition is met). If any restrictions are being disobeyed, the declaration of attackers is illegal. Example: A player controls two creatures, each with a restriction that states “[This creature] can’t attack alone.” It’s legal to declare both as attackers.

508.1d The active player checks each creature they control to see whether it’s affected by any requirements (effects that say a creature attacks if able, or that it attacks if some condition is met). If the number of requirements that are being obeyed is fewer than the maximum possible number of requirements that could be obeyed without disobeying any restrictions, the declaration of attackers is illegal. If a creature can’t attack unless a player pays a cost, that player is not required to pay that cost, even if attacking with that creature would increase the number of requirements being obeyed. If a requirement that says a creature attacks if able during a certain turn refers to a turn with multiple combat phases, the creature attacks if able during each declare attackers step in that turn.

skootchtheclock12 on Ravener vs goaded creature

2 years ago

If my opponent goads one of my creatures to attack another opponent, Can i have Ravener change the goaded attack to attack the player who goaded it?