rockin rooster comics and games

5000 glenway ave cincinnati, oh 45238-3904

Weekly Events


Friday night Magic every Friday at 7 pm. 5 dollar entry fee.

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Let it grow!

Legacy warrendo


-1 Revenant Hunter -2 Beastbreaker of Bela Gad -1 Everflowing Chalice

+1 Emrakul the Aeons Torn +2 Primeval Titans +2 Terra Stompers

10 years ago

Mayael the Anima EDH

Commander / EDH warrendo


-1 Mountain -1 Plains -1 Highland Weald

+1 Ancient Amphitheater +1 Savage Twister +1 Fire-Lit Wicket

10 years ago


Standard CrimsonKing

SCORE: 29 | 30 COMMENTS | 10152 VIEWS | IN 8 FOLDERS Top 8: 05/17

Went undefeated tonight at FNM. I went against some very aggressive decks but managed to go 2-0 against all of them. I ended up splitting between the other guy and walked out 2nd out of 16. My match ups were:

Boros aggro 2-0

Naya aggro 2-0 (opponent had a nut …

11 years ago

Erosion of the mind, body, and spirit

Modern CrimsonKing

SCORE: 23 | 25 COMMENTS | 6181 VIEWS | IN 4 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/08

Played against Mono Black Zombies, B/G Midrange, and W/G aggro/Midrange. Placed 7th. Made some minor mistakes in a few plays. I will work harder next time.

12 years ago

Memory Decay

Modern CrimsonKing

SCORE: 45 | 77 COMMENTS | 10477 VIEWS | IN 14 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/14

Game one: Won 2-0 against W/G Flash

Game two: Lost 1-2 against W/U/R control

Game three: Won 2-0 against G/B aggro

Changes being made after FNM:

Considering Jace, Architect of Thought over Jace, Memory Adept. Version 4.0 gives me much needed protection against aggro and his -2 will serve as …

12 years ago