
ARCHETYPES; U/B Zombies / Mill ftw, W/G Humans, U/W Spirits, R/G Werewolves / Wolves, B/R Vampires / Madness, G/B Delirium (or value creatures?), W/B Aristocrats / tokens, R/W Aggro / Humans, R/U Spells, G/U Flashback??? (G/U sucks besides the Spider Spawning deck)

and of course Triskaidekaphobia

Innistrad flavor cube. The reason i dont want to include the eldrazi is because flavorfully it is a much diffirent feel from what original innistrad had with all of the horror tropes and instead makes it not feel as spooky anymore. since it is flavor oriented there are some cards from the commander and other products included that where not printed in an Innistrad block such as Ghoulcaller Gisa, Stitcher Geralf, Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist, Kraum, Ludevic's Opus, and the Innistrad duel deck Dread Return which gives green black delirium a much needed spell that can make it better compared to the ally tribe decks and fits with the flashback mechanic.

I am considering adding more red humans to make red white humans a more viable choice and also adding some more cards for black white aristocrats along with some other balancing card changes (which i suspect most from white green humans because they are pretty good)

Currently it will not have snapcaster mage, liliana, craterhoof, or cavern of souls because i cant afford them despite how much they could improve some of the archetypes but i do plan on acquiring them for the cube in the future. I also put in the Khans life lands due to Innistrads incomplete non-rare land cycle.

White (87)

White (83)

Azorious (1)

Orzhov (1)

Selesnya (1)

Boros (1)

Blue (86)

Blue (82)

Dimir (1)

Black (88)

Black (83)

Dimir (1)

Rakdos (1)

Red (88)

Red (84)

Boros (1)

Green (88)

Green (81)

warriordale says... #1

Hey, great cube! In your introduction, you talked about u/g being weak. In Shadow over Innistrad and Eldritch Moon the U/G archetype was the "clues" deck with all of the investigate such as Daring Sleuth  Flip & Briarbridge Patrol, & Byway Courier, also Confirm Suspicions, (I dont like that one, would rather you have Confront the Unknown).

October 1, 2017 2:46 a.m.

Autofigure says... #2

With the upcoming release of innistrad midnight hunt and crimson vow, along with the previous release of more innistrad based / themed cards in MH1/2, the cores sets, and Anje Falkenrath edh deck, im looking into rebuilding and updating this cube (with furthur upgrades and changes once the next innistrad sets release).

I unfortunately took this apart and sold most of it aside from my vampire and zombie cards for EDH decks. I got out of magic for a long while again so i sold a lot of stuff. I had taken a break between hour of devastation and eldraine except for the return (x2) ravnica prerelease and dominaria prerelease, and after eldraine released i stopped playing again (and college was getting very time and money consuming), but im slightly getting interested in EDH again and looking forward to the new innistrad set(s). I thankfully held onto most of my most used edh cards and decks and pricey staples.

July 13, 2021 5:18 a.m.

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Cards 540
Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

Last Updated 2 years ago

+1 Anje Falkenrath
-1 Falkenrath Aristocrat

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