Up the Beanstalk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Pre-release Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Up the Beanstalk


When Up the Beanstalk enters the battlefield and whenever you cast a spell with converted mana cost/mana value 5 or greater, draw a card.

DreadKhan on Rocks Dragon Deck

4 months ago

I'm not sure if it's too 'non-Dragon', but I've had good results fiddling with Orcish Lumberjack, especially in a deck with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Lumberjack and Acid-Moss gives you access to a true Sinkhole effect (you can even play it on turn 2), and it can technically find a non-Basic Forest fwiw. Technically you only need to tap the Forest and sac it to Lumberjack to play an Acid-Moss, but Lumberjack can also give you a turn 2 Dragon that costs 5 mana, does your meta feature a lot of cheap kill spells? If not I wonder if that'd be worth your while? I don't know for sure if Atarka had Orcish servants, but Orcs live on that plane, so the lumberjack has a tangential connection.

Also, since it's gone down a ton in price, what about Utopia Sprawl? It makes your Forests better, and you can't cast it without a Forest I understand?

Since you're actually in Gruul, I would just run Mountain Valley over Evolving Wilds, this can find a Dual, or if you're desperate it can still dig out a Basic (that you can use the same turn Evolving Wilds would allow you), the only issue is if decks play cards that blow up non-Basics in your meta (most don't).

It's not entirely budget, but Up the Beanstalk is a very strong card if you actually plan to cast those big Dragons, and it replaces itself.

I'm not sure what your meta is like, but if people run Stax stuff that can ruin your day, you can include Dire-Strain Rampage, this sorcery offers you a Harrow effect if you wish, but it can Naturalize something, or Ghost Quarter someone's important land in a pinch. The best part is that it has Flashback. It's not the fastest effect, but I feel like it's certainly good enough for sideboard (especially on a budget), and since it can also just ramp you it might be fine mainboard, ymmv.

It's an ETB tapped land, but Treetop Village is a reasonable attacker if you end up desperate, with your curve it seems plausible that you'd be able to play an ETB tapped land, maybe x2?

TheRoaringRegisaur on Mono-Green Toxic

6 months ago

This seems really cool! Is Up the Beanstalk doing enough with only 5 cards that qualify?

DemonDragonJ on Modern Banlist

9 months ago

With today's banned and restricted list announcement, I have added Fury and Up the Beanstalk to this list.

sergiodelrio on Dec 4th 2023 Ban announcement

9 months ago

I say there is no way in hell they are banning their $ cards. Last time they didn't even acknowledge there is sth wrong with the format. We could have had the same convo last time around... likely the actual banning will be Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip and Up the Beanstalk lol.

In all seriousness tho I'm probably wrong and this time they might actually bite the bullet and make a serious ban, but come on... too little too late whatever they do now imho. It is going to take a lot to win me back at this point, WotC.

PS: Any unbannings are most welcome

wallisface on Dec 4th 2023 Ban announcement

9 months ago

My predictions are

Fury 100% banned

The One Ring 70% chance to be banned

Grief 40% chance to be banned

Up the Beanstalk 20% chance of ban

Orcish Bowmasters 20% chance of ban

I’m expecting Fury & One Ring to go.

onua1 on Adventure Time

11 months ago

cmc 5 hits = 7(5cmc) + 6(6cmc) + 8(7cmc) + 4/6(adventure) = 25

power 4 hits = 21

Need to choose between Temur Ascendancy/Garruk's Uprising and Up the Beanstalk roughly same number of hits, but I may cast less big spells, and more small things that hit power


1 year ago

Up the Beanstalk has the potential to draw so many cards when built around. I have yet to see if it's going to be strong enough to contend with the meta, but I plan on doing play tests tomorrow night at work (because Monday's in September at a hotel are dead) and more play tests on Wednesday. I'll have a better grasp on it then for sure.

Icbrgr on

1 year ago

Im a sucker for anything Soulflayer +1 for that alone....is Up the Beanstalk as good as people are saying? ive heard people say that the card can be nutty!

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