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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Limited Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal


Legendary Artifact

You choose all targets for all spells and abilities.

Note: This card will be excluded from your mana charts. Sorry =)

TheOfficialCreator on Most non-infinite damage you've ever …

1 year ago


I thought of this thread I could make while reflecting on a few decks I've made in the past.

I've often considered ways that I could possibly cast Gleemax in a normal game without infinite combos. It seems fairly easy now with all the mana doublers and triplers in the game, but in this post I wanted to focus on damage, not mana, as there are so many unique ways to achieve absolutely ridiculous amounts of damage in MTG.

So what is the most amount of damage you've dealt in a game of MTG without using any form of infinite/indefinite combo?

My top is 2 to the power of (1.3 times 10 to the 95th power), done by using Sasaya's Essence combined with all my Forests on field (courtesy of Nissa, Who Shakes the World) plus a Yew Spirit. Unfortunately I could not ever find a way for a calculator to give me how much damage that is; rest assured it's over a googol. Well over.

KorandAngels on The most powerful being?

3 years ago

Remember Gleemax?

TriusMalarky on Since Everyone Else is Making …

3 years ago

Omniscience_is_life un-cards won't necessarily be legal. But there are some less goofy and more reasonable cards(Earl of Squirrel was one I had in mind) that people might like to use outside of kitchen table. Stuff like Gleemax and Infinity Elemental are by far too silly to be using.

I would totally add Just Desserts even if it's just a worse Lightning Strike(which I see as likely to be added), just to have the option of dealing Pi damage. But I can see reasons to not use such cards.

I do have a couple cards I'd like to add, so if we set this up I'll be able to set up a good 100-ish card balanced list that can support a few fun archetypes.

KorandAngels on Most Powerful Creature Type

4 years ago

Eventually, once things get to earth-shattering sizes, their normal-sized enemies can just walk inside of them or something and kill them that way.

Anyway My choice: I don't really know what I'm voting for. I would say La'Ayiv, but he's my fan character and isn't real. So I would say that the most powerful magic character is Gleemax and thus the most powerful race are the Brain in a Jars.

SquirrelPenguin on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

make a card that has a mana cost less than infinity but more than Gleemax, but make it worth it to pay the mana cost without directly winning the game

legendofa on An Erratic Disregard for Flavor Text

5 years ago

I have a deck lying around here that's a little more serious (not in any way more competitive, it just doesn't run Gleemax ) that kind of follows this idea. More big spells that can be cast for a discount.

Boom stuff

Casual legendofa


If you get a thought or two from it, great! If not, well, I took it apart a while ago.

berryjon on Caerwyn

5 years ago

That can't be right. I've posted graphics before in my articles. It's just a random thing that I can or cannot do at the whims of Gleemax .

Flooremoji on THE GOD CROW(cEDH Storm Crow PRIMER)

5 years ago

I definitely think that Mox Lotus is a good addition. Powers out Storm Crow That much faster. Also, Gleemax isn't getting any cheaper. ;) If only Storm Crow Seeker was blue...

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