
Teysa, Orzhov Scion

I produced this deck based on the Aristocratic strategy using as commander my favorite character from Mtg's lore, Teysa Karlov. Initially I built a deck based on tokens because my command was Teysa Karlov, with time I realized that Teysa, Orzhov Scion proved to be more competitive and consistent, so I radically changed the deck to something focused in combos and with a line of secondary strategies in tokens.

After some time and some testing I decided to put more emphasis on forms of interaction and stax than the Tokens strategy. Thus, there are still ways to generate tokens that can be useful for the main strategy of the deck, but now they are done at a much lower frequency

In view of my budget limitations and the level of my playgorup, I tried to optimize my deck as much as possible using alternative versions of competitive cards in order to reach the same result by slightly more complicated means. In this way I aim to develop one of the various deck combos as quickly as possible while trying to produce a minimally viable board for protection Here I will explain the functions of this deck and how and for what I created it, but many times you will find that I give tips and suggestions for changes that will vary based on your game table and your metagame, as the decks I face with frequency may differ from yours, and many strategies may be better in one particular setting and not another. So, feel free to adapt this construction as best as possible that suits your interests. This guide serves more as a skeleton Orzhov strategy for Teysa, Orzhov Scion than a ready-to-play deck. Despite this, this construction has full playability if assembled 100% similar

This deck is based heavily on the Aristocratic strategy, so I will make the most of the effects of sacrifice and ETBs. Thus, the most traditional game plan that follows is to produce tokens consistently with Oketra's Monument like, and Teysa, Orzhov Scion. Ultimately, tokens will be used to hit if combos are turned off

At the same time as the token creation plan is developed, the sacrifice plan occurs in parallel using the tokens as fuel like Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Viscera Seer, Phyrexian Tower, Diabolic Intent, Victimize, Grave Pact, Teysa, Orzhov Scion. These ways of sacrificing creatures are often just ways to achieve a greater result, but sometimes they are very effective in their own right as in creating combos, removing creatures and tutoring.

Many cards are focused on giving me support for certain situations of possible combos or combat. In this way all the drops of damage caused by cards like Blood Artist are important to complement the sacrifice line as well as altars, Skullclamp and Culling the Weak are important to create a lot of value using my tokens

The deck's draw engine is very relevant as it will accelerate the occurrence of combos or value creation on my board, so Phyrexian Arena, Beseech the Queen, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Shreed memorys, Necropotence, Razaketh, the Foulblooded are essential, especially the tutors who grant me importnates at the appropriate times. Completing this support Buried Alive, Victimize and Animate Dead do a secondary job as tutors being able to send key cards to the cemeteries and revive them to provide assistance.

This deck presents itself as a Hight Level deck, having as its greatest power, the search for combo pieces quickly to finish the game, however, as mentioned above, you have several other ways to conduct a game instead of always resorting to just one set of moves. An army of tokens looks like a good victory condition and presents a good barrier for protection, since tokens in aristocrat strategy are quite easy to create. Here we will resort to the endless debt of souls owed to Orzhov and fearless warriors who will never rest. Its main trusted Token creation engines are Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, God-Eternal Oketra and Ophiomancer.

Although there are several cards for creating tokens, these are the main pieces that will act as "generals" for this strategy. Whenever possible, chase these cards when you need to migrate to this game mode during a match. Furthermore, mechanisms that trigger token creation in the act of sacrifice are also very useful due to the amount of interactions that may occur. . Keep in mind that this strategy is the most delicate of all, as Aggro in commander is always weaker than other win conditions due to the amount of health it needs to drain from three opponents.

Be considerate and try not to show as much power if you are dedicated to an Aggro strategy as this build doesn't use too many defenses for your board. That said, adapting this deck to full Aggro is recommended if you replace a lot of cards with (global) protections and add more inherent token generation.

Here we find a well-known point of strategies involving Orzhov, resuscitation. That's not the main focus of this deck but it's dedicated to making something minimally viable in this regard. The reanimation will be very strong when you feed your graveyard with card effects like Altar of Dementia or Final Parting. Despite having less dedication in this deck, reanimation here is still viable, especially if you adapt this deck with cards like Lurrus of the Dream-Den and Persist.

Here we also find some important combos from this deck like reveilark + Karmic Guide + SacOutlet, where we can bring our entire graveyard into play or create life drain or infinite mill combos with cards like Altar of Dementia. Perhaps this is the best strategy that if adapted will raise the level of this deck to something close to cEDH

Here I will present the list of most common combos that I can consistently develop on this deck. These are some known combos for this build, depending on your build adaptation, new synergistic combos can be added to the deck such as Sun Titan + immortality gift interplays and similar cards. So don't limit yourself to just using these combos, however, they are easily found the way the deck is built and the amount of tutors makes your job much easier.

Unsurprisingly, the Orzhov combination tends to be very weak when it comes to responsiveness to activities that occur at the table. Thus, it's very easy for players to interrupt their play with voids or that you often can't stop players who are trying to end the game with combos. Thus, as I recommend in several other decks of mine, we must seek resources specifically with the delay of the opponents' game (Stax) and many redundancy pieces so that your combo can be executed consistently.

That's why we have several cards with similar effects, however, Teysa, Orzhov Scion is a key = piece, and that's why it should be defended anyway. So, depending on the behavior of your local metagame, add more point protections to this deck like Sejiri Shelter   and Grand Abolisher. In the stax card window, it is very important that you lock the game early in order to have time to create your combo. Cards like Drannith Magistrate, Aven midsensor, Rule of Law, Eidolon of Rhetoric and Strict Proctor (because this dekc has many ways to sacrifice its creatures, may not be a problem). Otherwise, most slowdown Stax cards will come in handy here.

Here will be presented all the updates that I deem relevant in the new collections and that can be added to this deck or deserve mention
    • Clarion Spirit: Reliable but very limited token maker, there are better substitutes
    • Doomskar: Use this if your metagame has strong aggression too soon
    • Fix, judge of value: If you want to adapt the deck to something more focused on the low-cost reanimator, this is a good thing.
    • Usher of the Fallen: A good way to create tokens when your resources are scarce, I recommend for those who adapt this deck for more Aggro-oriented strategies
    • Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire: More a tutor for our combos, although slow can be highly rewarding. Ideal if the deck is adapted for more Aggro strategies
  • Blot Out the Sky: A global removal for artifacts and enchantments that can harm more than help your plays, since so many of your perennial token effects are here, and this card could only be useful in a strategy like this. height
  • Devasting Mastery: Very situational global removal. I don't believe there is space here
  • Dramatic Finale: A good way to generate tokens and still strengthen your creatures, limited or only create one token per turn, but the tokens are stronger than usual, so justifiable, I would try it instead of Field of Souls
  • Fracture: Farewell disechant
  • Plumb the Forbidden: High potential to be an overinflated card draw, good synergy with the deck
  • Reduce to Memory: basic point removal for all situations, use if you don't have anything better or cheaper to put in its place
  • Selfless Glyphweaver  : Good alternative for protection in more Aggro-oriented strategies, versatile with its other face.
  • Strict Proctor: great piece for more Stax-oriented adaptations, the sacrificial interactions will be enough so this card doesn't affect you too
  • Damn: Great removal, very versatile, can be added to deck easily
  • Dauthi Voidwalker: It has good synergy and is an amazing control tool
  • Esper Sentinel: No reason not to use it
  • Out of Time: New global removal with great strength against enemy commanders. There's room on this deck for her.
  • Persist: Strengthens our reanimate strategy
  • Profane Tutor: Another tutor to speed up our combos
  • Solitude: great removal but unnecessary, losing a card from your hand can be very harmful in the long run
  • Morbid Opportunist - Good draw piece, I believe it will be used a lot in orzhov decks in general, here it can be added easily
  • Rite of Oblivion - Interesting removal for a more aristocratic-oriented strategy
  • Adeline, Resplendent Cathar - I like this kind of aggro and you can find good places here. An egalitarian attack engine helps a lot but it can make you a very big target, so make sure your policy is more advantageous than your absence from the table.
  • Chaplain of Alms   - I predict the headache this can cause considering that the dekc has many good pieces of its own and that protected from this form are less appetizing for opponents to snap up.
  • Liesa, Forgotten Archangel - Good stax piece but I don't think I see play on this deck due to its high CMC and low synergy
  • Curse of Silence - Boring, and inefficient, locking a commander for 2 turns can be cool, but this is not a duel
  • Enduring Angel   - A bomb
    1. Welcoming Vampire - An interesting buy for white that uses small tokens, if breena's draw engine is weak is a good consideration to use.

    2. Wedding Announcement   - It's very interesting the versatility of this card to give us 2 types of effects commonly used here, tokens and draw. The transformation is pretty disappointing, so I'd look for ways to remove counters from this card to make it useful.

    3. Sigarda's Summons - If you want to be aggressive like a devil

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    I am thinking of adding Angel's Grace that has the possibility of a combo with Necropotence. Just one specific combo piece does not bring enough redundancy to be efficient, but as this deck is not as powerful as the higher tiers of the cEDH and is also not as responsive, Angel's Grace can be a great addition to give me very fast reaction time and deck protection


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    93% Competitive

    Top Ranked
    Date added 4 years
    Last updated 1 year

    This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    10 - 0 Mythic Rares

    38 - 0 Rares

    24 - 0 Uncommons

    10 - 0 Commons

    Cards 100
    Avg. CMC 2.79
    Tokens Serf 0/1 B, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Snake 1/1 B, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB, Thrull 0/1 B, Thrull 1/1 B, Treasure
    Folders $$$
    Ignored suggestions
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