
So, if you do something like say... target Twincast with Fork what happens?... Well you get a copy of Twincast which you can use to copy Twincast, which you can use to copy twincast, which you can... You make a loop basically. Let us take advantage of this and join me for a simple 4 part class on the theory and practical use of looping.

So making a loop is fairly simple, in response to an instant or sorcery (a base spell as it were), cast a copy spell, hold priority, and cast another. This holds true for most of the copy spells in the deck. Wild Ricochet , Reverberate , Increasing Vengeance , Fury Storm , Fork , and Twincast are all capable of doing this without any issue, to end the loop, simply have your repeating copy target the first spell on the stack instead.

Other copy spells have properties that make this a bit harder and/or jankier

You cannot loop Expansion / Explosion since it's CMC is 6, however you can use it to loop other spells, so it must be cast last. You cannot loop Narset's Reversal in most circumstances, since it returns a card from the stack to it's owners hand. Looping Radiate is a bad idea in most situations, do not do this unless you have a counterspell in hand to break the loop or you can win from activating the loop, this will be explained a bit further down.

To help with looping we also have Isochron Scepter , which cuts down the number of cards needed to loop by one and our commander Rootha, Mercurial Artist who acts the same. If you can attain both at the same time then you can loop basically whenever you want for 4 mana and cast 2~3 copies of the base spell. Nice.

Do note, copying is NOT a cast trigger, things like Metallurgic Summonings or Young Pyromancer are not triggered by loops, though you will get two~three triggers by staring one.

So now that you can loop, what can you do with it?...Well.... You can trigger MageCraft Abilities infinitely, since the trigger goes off whenever a spell is cast OR copied

Zaffai, Thunder Conductor Grants infinite scrying, and in some situations, infinite 4/4 elemental's

Deekah, Fractal Theorist grants infinite creatures of varying power depending on what you are looping

Veyran, Voice of Duality becomes infinitely HUGE.

Storm-Kiln Artist grants infinite mana for the rest of the game (or at least until someone blows up your treasure tokens)

Archmage Emeritus grants infinite card draw

Ral, Storm Conduit wins the game... one damage at a time... I hope you're not playing MTGO for this

Knowing when to loop and not to loop is half the battle, early on in the game you may wish to prioritize copying ramp spells or tutors to assist gathering pieces faster. there are a few ways to recycle used spells.

Finale of Promise , Mizzix's Mastery , Metallurgic Summonings , and Experimental Overload can be used to retrieve and combo needed pieces.

With Twinning Staff , breaking the 2nd law of thermodynamics has never been easier, enacting a loop while this bad boy is on the field allows you to cast infinite copies of any instant or sorcery spell, enacting a loop spawns two copy spells, one of which can target the base spell and the other targets a copy spell, turn even a lowly Lightning Bolt into an unstoppable death machine.

Increasing Vengeance poses a unique situation, if this is looped off it's buyback cost, then it might allow for infinite casting of a spell... maybe, if my understanding of how copying spells works is correct then the copy will inherit the originals ability to make two copies since the condition has already been filled by the original, similar to how copying works with other mechanics such as in Fling where the copy inherits the damage from the first sacrifice rather than requiring you to make a sacrifice, or when copying spells with choices and being forced to pick the same choices on the copy. I'll need to ask a judge about this.

And then there is Radiate looping radiate has an interesting effect. Radiate can target any singe target spell, Radiate itself is a single target spell. So targeting radiate, with radiate causes an exponential growth of the base spell as radiate is forced to target and copy every single spell and copy lower on the stack including radiate. This can be used as a win con for any simple damage spell, but it requires that you re-order the stack so that any copies of the spell targeting you or your permenants are below the Radiate-Radiate interaction while having all spells targeting your opponents above the Radiate-Radiate interaction. You cannot break this loop once it has started unless you have a counterspell handy, but setting this up already cost 7~8 mana at minimum so good luck doing that.

You have quite a few spells to help you with this. It can't hurt you if it can't resolve, Rewind , Negate , Reinterpret , Counterspell , and Mana Drain are your arsenal of counterspells, use them wisely.

No one can win alone, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer , Young Pyromancer , Deekah, Fractal Theorist , Metallurgic Summonings , Talrand, Sky Summoner and Shark Typhoon can summon precious defenders to your side.

Desperate times may call for desperate measures, Blasphemous Act , Storm's Wrath , Volcanic Vision , and Cyclonic Rift may throw the field astray in times of need.

Fervent Mastery may summon help at times of need, at 8 mana or more you can gab ral + 2 copy spells for a chance at an instant win the following turn

Rowan, Scholar of Sparks   your always gunna be casting the red side of this, go for that emblem.

Well, that about sums things up. neat eh?


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97% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Construct */* C, Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 4/4 UR, Emblem Rowan, Scholar of Sparks, Servo 1/1 C, Shark */* U, Treasure, Weird X/X UR
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