Voldaren Duelist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Voldaren Duelist

Creature — Vampire Warrior


When Voldaren Duelist enters the battlefield, target creature can't block this turn.

Bantha1342 on

6 years ago

Wizno and landofMordor

Thank you both for the great advice concerning my tribal vampire deck. Based on both of your recommendations I made the following changes:I removed all non-vampire creatures and planeswalkers including Flamerush Rider, Combat Celebrant, Dukhara Scavenger, Chandra, Pyrogenius, Liliana, Death Wielder, Akroma, Angel of Fury, and Ammit Eternal. I did keep Ob Nixilis Reignited because of his first ability to draw cards and his third ability to deter opponents from drawing cards. I added Diabolic Tutor, Olivia, Mobilized for War, Pawn of Ulamog, Bloodrite Invoker, Yahenni, Undying Partisan, Bloodmad Vampire, Bold Impaler, Voldaren Duelist, Call the Bloodline, Dark Impostor, and Diabolic Tutor as I had them already in my collection. I also added Asylum Visitor to help with the card drawing aspect. The other recommended cards are great and I will begin adding many of them to my collection / deck as soon as I can. Again, thank you both for taking the time and making the recommendations. They were super helpful.

Muster the Night Breed EDH

Michieltomme on Haste with burn

7 years ago

I think Pia Nalaar tries to do too much. If you're building around tokens you should take more cards like Shamble Back, Hanweir Garrison or even Doomed Dissenter but you'll still have a disadvantage against other token-decks with for example Anointed Procession (which is white). Else think nontoken creatures are generally more worth it. Just a sidenote: if you want the unblockable, I'd suggest cards like Magmatic Chasm, Voldaren Duelist or Cartouche of Zeal. If you want the bumping, I'd go for creatures like Ember-Eye Wolf or Lavastep Raider. If you want both in one card: Retreat to Valakut

Leatherankh was also right by saying you should speed up your clock, so Gonti, Lord of Luxury and Walking Ballista are better replaced by cards like Incendiary Flow for burn or cards like that Ember-Eye Wolf or Brazen Scourge for rush damage. Another card I love that you could consider as a finisher is Hijack. It gives you a strong enemy creature, removes a blocker and can thus really do a whole lot in a lot of situations. (it's also hillarious to play on giant creatures like Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger)

Welch on

7 years ago

I think you need more discard outlets and removal. Lightning Axe provides both.

Stensia Masquerade has to be in this deck. First strike is awesome, since most of your creatures have more attack than toughness. It also would go really well with Distemper of the Blood and Bloodmad Vampire.

You need to think about the role of black cards in this deck. Voldaren Pariah  Flip ends the game quickly, but will only be played after turn 5 or 6. At this point, you want to be close to winning anyways. Indulgent Aristocrat can buff your team, but at the cost of a creature, which is too much imo. The lifelink is negligible on a 1/1. Stromkirk Condemned is a great card, but double black makes it really a pain to cast on curve on a budget manabase. That leaves mainly Asylum Visitor for card draw and Heir of Falkenrath  Flip for evasion and a discard outlet. Both can be found in red as well. So i think you can go either mono-red hyperagressive, doing 10 damage by turn 3. Or go for a little more value-oriented approach including black finishers.

Route 1 - Mono-R Aggro:

Just 20 mountains, 4 Insolent Neonate, 4 Incorrigible Youths, 4 Tormenting Voice, some Avacyn's Judgment and maybe some Voldaren Duelist.

Route 2 - R/B Midrange:

3-4 Macabre Waltz, 3-4 Bloodhall Priest, maybe Olivia, Mobilized for War.

Ekaan92 on BR Vampire Madness

7 years ago

Cool deck,

Personally I-'d remove Markov Crusader & Twins of Maurer Estate ,Voldaren Duelist Since imo they are too slow and don't further your gameplan too much, I'd also remove 3x Call the Bloodline . And put Malevolent Whispers & Murderous Compulsion into the sideboard since they are situational depending on the matchup, and replace them with Lightning Axe & Alms of the Vein.

If you can afford this card on your budget I would definitly recommend Metallic Mimic, Push your Stromkirk Condemned to 4x, remove Olivia's Bloodsworn for 2x more heir of falkenraths. Unlicensed Disintegration Is also good, Since hard removal is always good, Also Asylum Visitor Is a great card if you are going the no cards in hand route

Also Insolent Neonate Is one of the best vampires in standard IMO

A bit more expensive vampires that I would recommend is

Olivia, Mobilized for War, Drana, Liberator of Malakir Falkenrath Gorger

Bomat Courier Is also a great card, although not a vampire so no points for flavor there hehe. Also Isn't a bad removal card, although it's expensive

Also as a general rule of thumb I'd say try to have more copies of a card than 1x-2x since you want your draws to be consistent.

Just my two cents, B/R Vampires are really cool imo!

Kolanskyman on haste and burns

7 years ago

Vessel of Volatility is bad because it cost you card and doesn't affect the board state. While it is true that fast mana like Seething Song leads to degenerate strategies, Vessel of Volatility is too slow. With only 20 lands, you are going to have trouble playing any card with mana cost greater that 3. 20 Lands leads to one lander opening hands that are not keepable with your curve. Although haste is nice, I'd recommend focusing on an agro shell with cost efficient creatures such as Forerunner of Slaughter over Voldaren Duelist.

With respect to B/R, Unlicensed Disintegration is the best removal spell in standard because its a Terminate with a Lightning Bolt glued on.

You could even try a R/W build in Standard with cost effective one drops such as Expedition Envoy, Inventor's Apprentice, Thraben Inspector, Town Gossipmonger  Flip with Hanweir Garrison at the top of your curve. Maybe throw in Speedway Fanatic

If you really like Hasty stuff, the most powerful haste creatures in Standard are Dust Stalker and Fleetwheel Cruiser, and Lathnu Hellion. Reckless Bushwhacker has seen modern play in 12 whack, but is still powerful if you cast it for surge cost on turn three and have a bunch of 1 drops on board.

Finally, Reality Smasher has seen modern and legacy play. Although super strong, eldrazi haven't been seen in standard since the pain lands rotated out.

DragonDr0p on Vampire [Madness] [Orig]

7 years ago

I have had Voldaren Duelist, unfortunately he does not have madness. He does have Haste, however there are better creatures with haste for cheaper.As for Falkenrath Gorger and Olivia's Dragoon I will definitely look into them. Thanks

GreenIsBae on I'd Tap Dat

7 years ago

Hey Chris, this is Ryan. For your first deck here, I like that you've chosen R/W, as its a color combo that is typically extremely aggressive because it has such a critical mass of low curve creatures that try to overrun opponents, and an excellent archetype for beginners.

I see that your deck has a sub-theme of tapping opponent creatures, which is typically quite a powerful effect, but usually in the context of mid-game board stalls rather than aggressive strategies. Tappers are typically used to disable attackers/blockers that are difficult to remove on their own, allowing your own board to attack in and/or stall until you find an answer. Aggro decks typically don't care about this, focusing solely on playing more creatures and attacking in, regardless of their ability to block. You want to be making aggressive trades and using removal/evasion to the fullest of your ability to reduce their life total to zero ideally before they can stabilize.

With this in mind, I would suggest not using tappers or your creatures with defender, finding in their place aggressively curved creatures that incentivize attacking. Things like more Boggart Brute, Master of Diversion, Voldaren Duelist, Topan Freeblade, Ember-Eye Wolf or Bloodmad Vampire (or anything similar to these really, things that like to attack, or help enable attacking).

Cut down on lands. 26 lands is a lot for a deck that is playing mostly 2-3 mana creatures and spells, and you definitely don't want to be drawing into them often when you need to apply pressure. Cards like Ray of Dissolution are extremely niche cards that don't often see much use in the maindeck, so I would set that aside for the sideboard. Find and play as many spells similar to Magma Spray as you can. Low cost removal spells are what an aggro deck needs to blow away the early 2 and 3 mana creatures the opponent will try to play to stabilize the board. Find removal in your bulk and use it aggressively.

Ofc, in the 2000 bulk commons/uncommons that you have, I'm sure adhering to the advice given will be difficult if not impossible, but do your best! This deck has the potential to be quite good, and as a general rule of thumb, try to play as many 4-ofs as you can, as that is the playset limit of any given card in a deck. Doing so will give your hands and game plan far more consistency, and you'll be able to see first hand how the deck should operate, and what needs improvement as a result. Hope this was helpful :D

NickCarella on Fire and Blood

7 years ago

Blastraider, thanks for comment! At the moment this deck represents physical counterpart and weird single cards are present due to lack of physical cards :)

1) I'm thinking about either 4 of Heir of Falkenrath  Flip or 4 of Olivia's Dragoon. Not sure yet what to choose. I think that if I choose to go with Dragoons, I should completely replace Insolent Neonate with Falkenrath Gorger so that I'd have more persistent way to discard cards. In case of Heirs the Insolent Neonate to Falkenrath Gorger ratio should be determined separately.

2) I removed Voldaren Duelists and added Stromkirk Occultist, Stromkirk Condemned and Furyblade Vampire

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