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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy all Plains.

plakjekaas on Dual Land Cycles that You …

1 year ago

Especially the red one is questionable if it ever gets printed, because of its silly combo potential with Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle. For the modern Primeval Titan decks, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove already does the same, I know, but that one can't actually be found by Primeval Titan itself.

The blue one too, would have way too heavy implications on modern, with Boil and Choke being modern legal cards, and the same goes for the white one with Flashfires also being a modern legal card. Seeing how Armageddon was never in Modern either, I suppose it might take a while until they might ever show up, and if they do, it will probably be in a commander product.

FormOverFunction on Good Cards That You Just …

2 years ago

I periodically take the one-sided land destruction, like Flashfires and Tsunami, out of my natural disaster decks because (even though they’re EXTREMELY effective against some) I keep finding myself just holding them because I don’t want to shred just one of my opponents like that. That being said, I’ve found that I never look at planes walkers as they get released/spoiled because I really don’t like them even existing in M:tG. I’ve been convinced to use three, currently, but I never seem to enjoy those pluses/minuses. It’s an unreasonable Old Man(tm) disdain, for certain, but I really can’t get over it.

FormOverFunction on I love Blim but...

3 years ago

I think the biggest problem that can come from weird decks (which, I too, am a purveyor of) is the horrible combination of (1) no win condition, and (2) the disabling of other’s actions. Early on, with the first iteration of my Natural Disasters! deck, I realized that I was constantly holding back on things like Flashfires and Jokulhaups. That deck never had (or has) a win condition, but it didn’t stop anyone from doing anything. Wiping out all the lands would do nothing but make everyone start over, so I took (almost) all of the massive land destruction out. If you’re passing around things like Havoc Festival, everyone can keep playing their decks...just on a shorter clock. Start throwing around Winter Orb and you’ll get some looks... ;p

FormOverFunction on Can mass land destruction exist …

3 years ago

I had a lot of land destruction in my natural disaster deck (Jokulhaups, Flashfires, etc) and found that I always ended up holding it because it didn’t fit the game-state and would make everything a lot less fun. Eventually I took (almost) all of it out. A five-color deck is always allowed a Global Ruin right? Just skip the land destruction in multiplayer games, except for maybe the odd stone rain for killing off a combo piece or whatever. It’ll be more fun that way. For everyone. (my two cents)

dingusdingo on Looking To Build 5 Color …

4 years ago

You're going to have to run a lot of symmetrical effects (hit all players) and then run cards to get around them yourself. In a 4 player pod, if you 1 for 1 trade cards from hand for opponents lands, you're going to be really far behind. You start with 7 cards, while your opponents collectively have 21 cards. 1 for 1 trades are not the way to go about building this deck.

First, some cards that hate on lands. Winter Orb Static Orb Hokori, Dust Drinker

Now, some ways to negate the drawback

  • Boros Garrison and other bouncelands -> lets you get more from untapping just 1 land, and the bounce resets a land to enter untapped again
  • Lands that tap for 2+ mana -> Ancient Tomb City of Traitors Gaea's Cradle most of these are expensive-ish. Also check out depletion lands Remote Farm its a full cycle and they cheap.
  • Permanent untap effects -> Seedborn Muse and similar
  • Lots of artifact or creature based mana. Signets and Talismans are great in five color budget.

Next, some cards that destroy lands or hate on lands. Armageddon Boil Choke Flashfires Acid Rain Ravages of War Destructive Force Contamination Blood Moon Magus of the Moon Tsabo's Web Omen of Fire Strip Mine Wasteland Impending Disaster Tectonic Break Ruination Wildfire

Then we run some cards that let us recur lands, or like when lands break Ramunap Excavator Crucible of Worlds Life from the Loam Terravore The Gitrog Monster Titania, Protector of Argoth Splendid Reclamation

Add some lands matter cards, some ramp, and some good beaters, and you have a deck.

SideBae on Chainer - Necrotic Ooze and Worldgorger Dragon

4 years ago

This list looks really good. I have a few thoughts:

With regard to combo packages, you generally want to use pieces that can be valuable on their own, while taking as few card-slots as possible. I highly suggest only leaving in the Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and the Worldgorger Dragon combos. I say this because the other combos require more cards that are dead on their own and/or cost too much mana. Leaving in just two combos, which have some interchangeable parts, means you have more slots for disruption, the deck is more consistent, and the average power of each top-deck you get increases.

You may want to consider haste-enabling reanimation magic, since you can use it to combo off without needing your general on the table. In general, the more you can combo off independent of your commander, the more frequently you'll win; people know 'kill on sight' generals, and can generally keep them off the table. Some spells to consider are: Corpse Dance (stacking the creatures you Buried Alive so Necrotic Ooze is on top of your 'yard), Shallow Grave (same stack) and Torrent of Souls . Obviously, this is a secondary method, but it's worth considering running one of these spells.

Your opponents are going to hate on you pretty hard (as people hate on all combo decks), so counter-disruption is going to be necessary. By Force is a powerful way to knock out Grafdigger's Cage , Nihil Spellbomb and similar stuff. Enchantment-based hate is a lot more difficult to deal with in Rakdos; I suggest using Engineered Explosives and/or Blast Zone to deal with cards like Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace .

Your manabase is good, but I see some room for improvement. I think High Market is probably better than Miren, the Moaning Well as a sac-outlet, simply because it costs a bunch of mana to activate Miren, the Moaning Well . I may be missing something, but I don't think Piranha Marsh and Sunscorched Desert are very good here. I suggest running basic Mountain s and Swamp s instead.

If you craft your manabase carefully, you can run some pretty disruptive nonbasic land hate. Magus of the Moon and Blood Moon are both big hosers in EDH, and Ruination ain't bad either.

I think you're also running two to three too many lands. You're running the best two-mana rocks, but running some of the slightly-less-awesome ones instead of a few lands can let you ramp to cast your general turn three. Mind Stone , Fellwar Stone and Coldsteel Heart are all good in addition to your Sol Ring , Talisman of Indulgence , etc.

Finally, red has some pretty great hate cards. Pretty much every deck searches at some point, so Stranglehold is a great card (that also occasionally hoses Narset, Enlightened Master decks). Price of Glory is good as a deterrent to countermagic. Depending on your meta, Flashfires , Boil and Omen of Fire can all end games -- I'm not sure what dork at R and D make Boil and Omen of Fire instants, but he deserves a high five.

Right. That's all I got. Good luck man! Hope this helps.

SideBae on Gas Powered Stick (Complete)

5 years ago

Yo! RG decks are interesting. Here's what I think -- feel free to disregard it:

The main attraction of running green is having access to one-mana mana-dorks. Llanowar Elves , Birds of Paradise , Fyndhorn Elves , Elvish Mystic and Orcish Lumberjack will all speed up your deck tremendously, while giving you bodies for Overwhelming Stampede or similar finishers. Exploration is a good accelerator, though it can be expensive; search for tomorrow is similar. There are some two- or three-mana dorks you might also want to consider, like Priest of Titania , Shaman of Forgotten Ways and Somberwald Sage . Having dorks ramps green faster than any other color is capable of.

Overwhelming Stampede is an excellent card; in that vein, Overrun and Triumph of the Hordes are both good finishers. If you want to put money into the deck, Craterhoof Behemoth is a great card in Legacy Elves that also works here. Grabbing Craterhoof with something like Natural Order can produce a really fast win. Green Sun's Zenith is another good tutor-spell, which can also fetch Dryad Arbor turn one.

I see you're running Nature's Lore . Farseek is a great card to fetch a mountain, especially if you choose to run Stomping Ground , Sheltered Thicket and/or Cinder Glade . Taiga is good, too, but that's pushing $200 these days... effing OG duals.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is a good card, and an affordable version of Gaea's Cradle . Similarly, Slate of Ancestry is a very underrated EDH card that would be a powerhouse in this deck. In the line of card-draw, Beast Whisperer and Harmonize are worth considering.

Karplusan Forest , Spire Garden , Command Tower and Grove of the Burnwillows are four excellent non-basic, ETB-untapped lands for your colors. You should run these, if at all possible. I think they're better than Jund Panorama and Naya Panorama , as well as Rogue's Passage . You should consider Kessig Wolf Run , as well as cutting one or two lands from the final list.

Depending on how sadistic you are, you may also want to consider running some stax pieces. Thorn of Amethyst is an excellent card in most green decks, as these decks tend to produce oodles of mana and not cast too many non-creature spells. Pyrostatic Pillar and Eidolon of the Great Revel are excellent ways to keep low-curved decks in check. Harsh Mentor varies with meta calls, though it can be very strong. Stranglehold can ruin some strategies, and Price of Glory can nuke counter-heavy decks. Similarly, Vexing Shusher is useful to avoid getting countered, especially since you don't have to activate it until after an opponent casts a counterspell. Scab-Clan Berserker is worth considering.

I suggest Gamble . It's the best tutor in your colors. Eternal Witness is another pretty good card you may want to consider to get you back in the game after a board-wipe. I suggest running Grim Flowering or Nature's Resurgence for the same reason.

Your spot removal will be dependent on how hard you want to lean into Ruric Thar, the Unbowed . If you want to keep him, Reclamation Sage and similar effects are the way to go. Without him, or while thinking of him as a secondary creature, you should run Nature's Claim and/or Krosan Grip . Chain of Acid is an interesting card I've been wondering about recently, so you may be interested in experimenting with it. Hull Breach is similar to Decimate , and is often a two-for-one. Shattering Spree , By Force , Ancient Grudge , Vandalblast and Fiery Confluence are good as well.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion is an efficient, powerful creature that helps cycle away dead cards in your hand, all while generating mana. Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip is another super-efficient creature. Boartusk Liege is valuable for its anthem effect and not-insignificant body. Siege Behemoth is another recommendation, for obvious reasons.

Depending on your meta, Sunder Shaman , Choke , Carpet of Flowers , Flashfires and Boil are options. If you keep your mana-base with only a few non-basics, Blood Moon , Magus of the Moon and Ruination are good cards. If your meta is super aggressive, you should consider Loxodon Warhammer or Basilisk Collar in order to recoup life points. Runic Armasaur is another good consideration if your meta has a lot of fetch lands and the like.

Using Sylvan Tutor can let you stack your deck for Lurking Predators , and you can cast Worldly Tutor in response to it triggering to just fetch whatever creature you want from your deck for .

Strionic Resonator is a way to copy your general's trigger, and may be tremendously helpful. Resolving them in succession on the same creature results in quadrupled power.

From Modern Horizons, Collector Ouphe and Throes of Chaos are worth considering.

Alright, that's all I got for now. I hope you found these suggestions at least a little helpful. Good luck with deck building!

SideBae on Rise of the Underworld

5 years ago

As with most Rakdos decks, I advise a reanimating package with Sire Of Insanity as the target. Animate Dead , Reanimate and Necromancy are all rather good when paired with Entomb or Buried Alive . In Rakdos, you’re generally the king of top decks. So embracing it with Sire is typically a good play.

One mistake I find in a lot of EDH decks is the prevalence of one-for-one removal. Cards like Demolish , Roast and Necrotic Wound are alright if you’ve only got one opponent, but in EDH you’re already facing 2x-3x as many cards as you have in your 2-3 opponents. This is why I suggest more efficient spells, like the Ritual of Soot I see you’re already running. Fire Covenant , Ashes to Ashes , By Force , Toxic Deluge / Damnation / Blasphemous Act and Syphon Mind are all good ways to regain card advantage when you’re facing down multiple opponents.

Another thing I suggest is that you run more mana rocks. In any non-green deck, artifact mana is the main form of ramp available. I’ve noticed there’s a tremendous difference between 2- and 3-mana ramp; cards like Mana Geode and Rakdos Locket are generally worse than Rakdos Signet and Talisman of Indulgence . Mind Stone , Coldsteel Heart , Fire Diamond , Charcoal Diamond and Thought Vessel are also options. Treasure Nabber is a good way to disrupt opposing mana.

Hand-in-hand with what I’ve been talking about is card draw: You need cards to cast with your mana, as well as powerful spells in the first place. Phyrexian Arena is an excellent source of card advantage in black, as are Night's Whisper and Harvester of Souls . Faithless Looting , Magmatic Insight and Cathartic Reunion are ways to filter your cards from red, as well as ways to get creatures you want to reanimate into your graveyard from your hand.

Fighting counter magic is something red does very well. I advise cards like McToters suggested: Price of Glory is one of my favorite cards to run in red. If you want to go deeper on disruption, his suggested Stranglehold is good, as well as Blood Moon , Ruination and Magus of the Moon (though you’d have to craft you land base to accommodate these last three). If your meta is blue-heavy, Boil is good; white-heavy means Flashfires and Dread of Night may be helpful. I don’t know your meta though, and that’s what will dictate if the color-hate cards will be good. If your meta is filled with pesky dorks, Blast Zone is a good consideration.

Harsh Mentor is a card I like landing early, as is Scab-Clan Berserker . Because your curve is relatively high, Pyrostatic Pillar and Eidolon of the Great Revel might be helpful as additional repeating burn effects. If their life-loss becomes too great, a Whip of Erebos can help you survive.

At least consider Necropotence if you decide to run life-gain. It’s typically only found in combo-decks, but in my experience it’s a powerhouse across the board. Getting a card for one life is typically a good deal.

Alright. That’s all for now. Good luck building your deck!

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