Faerie Guidemother

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Faerie Guidemother

Creature — Faerie


(You may cast Faerie Guidemother from exile if you sent it on an adventure.)

Gift of the Fae

Sorcery — Adventure

Target creature gets +2/+1 and gains flying until end of turn.

(You may cast Gift of the Fae for from anywhere that you have the permission to cast this, then exile it on an adventure instead of putting it into your graveyard. When you have not chosen to cast Gift of the Fae, this card is treated only as Faerie Guidemother in whatever zone it is in.)

(Example scenarios for Gift of the Fae: You may cast this off of Melek, Izzet Paragon. You may not target this with Snapcaster Mage. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben increase the cost of this. Electrodominance requires X=2. If your opponent owns this and you cast it, you may cast their Faerie Guidemother from exile. You can cast this from a cascade spell if the spell has a cost greater than Faerie Guidemother's cost.)

legendofa on Help with Mosswood Dreadknight / …

10 months ago

It's not really an "infinite" loop, since it's not self-sustaining, but yes, you have the idea right.

Mosswood Dreadknight is one of the more powerful Adventure cards, thanks to its self-recursion. Most other Adventure cards are single-use for each side--compare Faerie Guidemother, for example, where you can cast Gift of the Fae, then later cast the creature side. When the creature dies, it goes to the graveyard and stays there as normal.

Flavorwise, it's inspired by the Green Knight, who has a legend about storming into King Arthur's court challenging someone to give him a good axe whack, but whatever someone does to him, he will do to them. Sir Gawain steps up and cuts off his head, but the Green Knight picks up his own severed head and rides off, saying he'll see Sir Gawain next year to return the favor. So that's where the self-recursion comes from; the Green Knight can't be killed by the usual methods.

ClockworkSwordfish on Tiny Heckin Chonkers

3 years ago

Looking good! I tried a Pauper EDH deck built around Sigil Captain in the past, and it's fun seeing what undercosted bruisers you can get by looking at all of the 1/1s with funky abilities. I feel like you got most of the heavy hitters, but sometimes some creatures that aren't 1/1s can help your cause!

I think the most impressive of these is Safehold Elite - since Persist brings her back with a -1/-1 counter and +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters cancel each other out... no matter how many times she dies, Sigil Captain will let her come back as a 3/3! An unkillable 3/3 should be even more impressive than the various 1/1s who give you a replacement on their death. Another handy creature to keep around is Ainok Bond-Kin - though his 2 power might keep him from picking up the Captain's boost, giving First Strike to all of your other creatures makes them even more of a pain to deal with in combat. They become even more fearsome when gang-blocking, letting three innocuous creatures take down a rampaging Ulamog's Crusher - your foe's creatures won't stand a chance! Sporeback Troll likewise gets in on the +1/+1 counter love, letting you regenerate any of your other creatures for a measly two mana.

As far as other handy 1/1s go, I think it might be worth considering Deftblade Elite , Faerie Guidemother , Hungry Spriggan , Selesnya Evangel , Shinewend and Soltari Trooper . Having some extra removal never hurts, and some of these creatures can hit a lot harder than their size suggests!

Idoneity on Avacyn Reigns Supreme

4 years ago

Alright, I'm here to rectify the meiny of follies within this decklist.

Unto what I would ablate:

Shalai, Voice of Plenty is an illegal inclusion due to the colour identity rules, for she has Green therewithin.

Akrasan Squire does close to naught in all scenarios. It adds one power to the board, yet offers nothing else. An eath exclusion.

Seeing as that you commander provides indestructible, Terminus is a wrath that shall hit your board as well. Try Catastrophe, as the Armageddon tells me that you don't mind foredoing all lands.

Riot Control is inutile. I shan't say more. The very same is of Faerie Guidemother, for it just does nothing.

Sorcery-speed removal is just awful, and therefrom I would remove Revoke Existence.

Scaretiller is awful ramp, even when playing mono-White.

Wherefore do you run White Knight? 'Tis a potent card, but doesn't do much for this strategy.

Now, Eternal Dragon is a favourite of mine, yet it just finds a basic plains. Other than that, 'tis a seven-mana 5/5. Don't run this.

Acolyte's Reward is egregious, thence I would rede for its removal.

Why is Anafenza here? She is meant to go infinite, yet there isn't much to combo with here. Just murder it.

Suspicious Bookcase is rather perfidious, avaunt it should be snuffed for something else.

Wellway! Quite the multitude there, whereupon I have some recommendations.

Boon Reflection was just reprinted and thence it has quite the low price, for it does the same as Rhox Faithmender. Another is Alhammarret's Archive.

This is a slow deck, so try Ghostly Prison.

If you wish for other efficient life gain, Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant do much at a cheap cost.

Heliod's Intervention is fantastic removal and a splendid mana-sync, withal Abolish is an underrated favourite of mine.

Lyra Dawnbringer anthems much of your deck whiles Baneslayer Angel is a scarily efficient flyer.

Unto ramp:

Given the high mana curve, you'll need a lot of this. Marble Diamond, Mind Stone, and Arcane Signet are each two-mana, which is when you want to ramp, and do their job well. Solemn Simulacrum is okay but not great, yet Thran Dynamo does a most meritorious effect for an eight-mana commander.

Lastly, though not ramp, Generous Gift is universal and efficient removal as an instant.

That shall be all from me. Fare thee well.

BioProfDude on Aggro angels jank

4 years ago

Swilliam, thanks for the suggestions! I do indeed like Faerie Guidemother more, mainly because it flies. In the side, I have Rest in Peace to deal with cards like Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (yep, I know, you're suggesting something for the main instead of the side), and I like that Faerie Guidemother has the sorcery attached to pump a creature and give it flying (if it doesn't have it already).

Healer's Hawk I have sincerely considered a few times, and play tested it. It does work, and it is arguably as good as Faerie Guidemother, so that is definitely a solid card for this deck. Thus, it comes down to preference-- do I want some additional life gain (which has definite synergies with Resplendent Angel), or do I want to have a card that has two-cards-in-one, even if I only occasionally use the sorcery part? Good arguments going both ways, so my personal preference is Faerie Guidemother. If I were to cut something for Healer's Hawk it would be Skymarcher Aspirant, but I prefer that extra point of damage. Again, personal preference.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

philosopher on Mono-White Army

4 years ago

Hello Vangoguey,

I see that your strategy is a white weenie flyers deck and I normally play white weenie for pioneer, so please see the below suggestions.

I recommend removing 2 Raise the Alarms and adding 2 Tithe Takers because with Tithe Taker's afterlife ability, you are getting at 2/1 and a 1/1 flyer for 2 mana, whereas with Raise the Alarm, you are getting two 1/1 creatures. Furthermore, Tithe Taker's taxing ability can slow down your opponent and this works in your favor as an aggro deck.

I see the Cavalry Pegasus' ability as a win condidion for this deck and, as a result, I recommend adding 2 Cavalry Pegasuss and removing 2 Healer's Hawks.

Similarly, I would add 2 Faerie Guidemothers instead of 2 Healer's Hawks because Faerie Guidemother's ability will pump one of your humans +2/+1 and give it flying, which would allow you to go over the top for damage.

Finally, your mana curve is low, so I recommend removing a plains and adding 1 more Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip because I can see her triggering often due to all the tokens that you are using. You could also add some

After awhile, if you find that you are dieing to decks with CMC 3 or less creatures, like red deck wins or mono black aggro, you may want to remove some of your [Giant Killer]s and replace them with Declaration in Stones as dec in stone exiles any creature for {1}{W}.

I hope that you find my recommendations useful in improving your deck.



BioProfDude on Aggro angels jank

4 years ago

Chino90, I did sincerely think about that, but I decided to go with the one mana flier. Indeed, it turned out having Faerie Guidemother won me a couple of games because of Gift of the Fae (the instant spell on Faerie Guidemother)! I gave flying to Benalish Marshal and won that way. Nevertheless, I get why you say that. I just think it's better to have creatures with flying. Generating the 1/1 flying tokens is really nice, but they don't get the anthem effect of Always Watching, which proved to be crucial in nearly every match. I also think that Bishop of Wings may "tip my hat" a bit and let an opponent hold up removal for any angel that shows up. Sure, they would do that after game 1, but I'd rather keep it a surprise, generally speaking, and not tip them off to my deck being packed with angels, which that card would definitely signal.

Good suggestion, but for what I'm doing, I think Faerie Guidemother works a bit better. Thanks!

curmevexas on Flying Meanace

4 years ago

Mana curve seems a bit high on this even with Warden of Evos Isle. There are a few Azorius Flyer decks out there, but they seem to go wide with cheap creatures and buff them with Rally of Wings, Staggering Insight, and Empyrean Eagle. This will help you put a lot more pressure on your opponent early in the game. Cheap and wide also makes you less vulnerable to removal.

You may want to try something like this: 4 Empyrean Eagle 4 Faerie Guidemother 4 Faerie Miscreant 4 Faerie Vandal 4 Healer's Hawk 4 Loyal Pegasus 4 Spectral Sailor 2 Winged Words 4 Rally of Wings 4 Staggering Insight 9 Island 9 Plains 4 Tranquil Cove

hungry000 on Deck for my Daughter

4 years ago

Abraxas3719 Here's a UW fliers deck I made: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... a lion?

No offense to SynergyBuild or yourself, but this sort of Favorable Winds deck with a lower average cmc is closer to what you'd see in a competitive setting. I haven't updated it in a while and a few cards in it have spiked in price (namely Smuggler's Copter and Spell Queller ), so if you want to save some money I suggest cutting the Copters and Quellers for more Faerie Guidemother / Healer's Hawk / Segovian Angel . Also, depending on how far into the theme you want to get, you could replace the tax creatures ( Mausoleum Wanderer and Judge's Familiar ) with more faeries like Faerie Miscreant .

If you want to take it even further, you could cut most of the non creature cards ( Curious Obsession , Favorable Winds ) to play more Sephara, Sky's Blade and Spellstutter Sprite since they're very good payoffs for having flyers/faeries and are closer to the theme than the enchantments are. The deck will be slower and a bit underpowered without the anthems, though.

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