30th deck!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 11, 2011, 4:46 a.m. by metalmagic

In honor of this special occasion, I mean I can only upload my 30th deck to this site once, I am actually advocating a deck in the Deck Help section! It seems to get other people views, so I figure, why not?

Check out my newest deck Reinventing Kuldotha! It's a nifty little Kuldotha Goblin deck that can get some very fast starts. Similar to Zendikar legal Kuldotha decks that were prevalent from timeto time, but with some (non-solar) flare thrown in. I'm not a huge fan of the Mono Red archetypes, but I do love decks that get explosive starts.

Also, I thoroughly enjoy trading so TRADE WITH ME. I have goodies you want, so check out my binder.

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