Ulamog, Commander of Chaos - Colorless/Artifact

Commander / EDH dragonsandgoblins85


Got even more NEW cards: Ulamog MM2 and MORE! —March 10, 2016

I was able to obtain more cards that will make this deck say: WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU MAM! I have ELDRAZI MIMIC, REALITY SMASHER, 5 MORE WASTES AND PUT BACK IN THOUGHT-KNOT SEER. I even put in other cards as well. Such as Mangara's Tome, which i feel is a great card to get out cards i would need alot in an Emergancy or to just plain smash my opponents in fun. Ugin, also has made an appearance in this deck as well. Before adding the cards listed, i battled it out against a good buddy of mine and almost won against his AMAZINGLY TOUGH deck. I feel proud, it almost won even w/o the cards listed here. So.... i figured why not trade in cards to improve this decks awesomeness and keep it together forever (of course w/ maybe a few more adjustments over time. So, heres my RENEWED ULAMOG DECK! THANKS FOR LOOKING, PLEASE UPVOTE IF YOU LIKE! X )

Holtzman says... #1

Just going to agree with previous poster, Strionic Resonator Would do so much work

March 9, 2016 4:24 p.m.

I'm actually still looking for that card. i went to two MTG card shops and neither of them had any in stock. I will try and obtain it sometime soon. thanks, d&g85

March 9, 2016 5:07 p.m.