Here are a few things to know if your considering suggesting decks:
A. Cost $50 or below (going off BIN price on the website). Highest acceptable price will be $65, and no more! (We must stay true to "budget"
A1. One exception to this rule is for modern decks, which have a $100 budget cap! (effective as of 03/06/2016)
A2. Another exception to this rule is for EDH decks, which also have a $100 budget cap! (effective as of 04/13/2016) This change does not effect Tiny Leaders decks!
B. PRICES CHANGE!!! If your deck becomes more than $50, it is ok. If it surpasses $65, mention it to the committee so we can figure out the best course of action.
Entries will be notified via comment on deck page. Any questions, comments, or concerns, please message us here. It is the fastest way to reach us.
C. Optional, but HIGHLY recommended
- Adding a few sentence description for your deck; help people understand what your deck is designed for!
Want to get in?
Are you reading this? Do you want to be a part of this club? Submit your deck via the comments! It will be reviewed by the committee and accepted or denied based on playtesting and the guidelines listed in this panel.
Some other notable rules/reguations:
A. No score, comment, update, or view requirement!
B. No specific format is required, however we tend to prefer decks from the 4 major budget formats (Standard, Modern, Commander/EDH, and Pauper)
C. Recommendations are encouraged! If you know of a deck that meets the requirements, leave it in the comments! Just be sure to link the creator!