[cEDH Primer] To Infinity & Beyond

Commander / EDH Flash_Andretti

SCORE: 130 | 74 COMMENTS | 39646 VIEWS | IN 48 FOLDERS

More Redundancy! More Frequent Combo's! 1.76 CMC!! —March 26, 2020

I would like a BIG thank you to all of my friends who helped me in crafting and testing the cards in this brand new update: Shaper (TT3), Cinestra, Ryan (from PWP), Teifer, Shmekles (TDE), Ishara, The Reflecting Pool & magekk.

They have all helped with making this list the best it possibly can be! I have made the necessary cuts and card selection choices in order for this build to not only be competitive, but be more aggressive and fun! I'm looking forward to everyone jamming this list, me included! We are being more proactive in our strategy rather than reacting to everything our opponents do! This makes focusing on our on strategy a lot more flexible and versatile. The primer itself has also been updated in the "Lines" section! The match-up section of the primer will be updated soon!

Onto the changes!


Academy Ruins - Replaces Homeward Path and helps with our game plan of keeping our reducers and Top in play!

Baral, Chief of Compliance - Brain Freeze - This cards floor is Codex Shredder and its ceiling is being a combo piece!

Copy Artifact - It is basically another rock in this deck and better than all other 2 CMC rocks that aren't rainbow mana.

Frantic Search - It can help you dig harder, is a free card and can net you mana with Helm, Key or Baral!

Helm of Awakening - Increasing reducer density in order to see reducers more often!

Intuition - Another tutor and combo's with breach reliably!

Mishra's Bauble - 0 drop artifact we can storm with and a better Cantrip than Opt/Sleight of Hand!

Sevinne's Reclamation - Coming back into the deck after being out for a couple of months. Is now even more useful with breach and does really well with Intuition!

Whir of Invention - Has once again become very useful in this list and sense we want to see our reducers more, in it goes!


Aven Mindcensor - Cut the amount of creatures I ran and while this card is great, we are on Counters. No need to add bricks for Elsha.

Blood Moon - After testing it for awhile, was causing our main game plan to happen to slowly and I think it is better in 2 color list!

Containment Priest - Same reason as aven and more on a help us win faster train rather than sit and wait to stop something. We are being more proactive now.

Disenchant - I found that more efficient slot a LOT sooner!

Force of Negation - Too clunky, really good, but can feel bad sometimes.

Homeward Path - Conflicted with Gilded Drake too often and helped other decks that got Drake'd, so cut it.

Negate - Was the weakest counter in the deck besides FoN.

Snow-Covered Plains - Trying 28 lands!


Gamble - The weakest of all our tutors due to random RNG. If you want it in, you can cut a counter of your choice.

Grand Arbiter Augustine IV - By no means is this card terrible, if you want to main this, DO IT! Just trying something new.

artificium says... #1

Would you mind explaining the ghostly flicker line?

March 15, 2020 1:19 a.m.

Flash_Andretti says... #2

artificium hello, to answer your question, here is how you do it!

Ghostly Flicker + Mystic Sanctuary + Mana Vault (1, Three Islands, Elsha) Cast Mana Vault, tap for 3 Play Mystic Sanctuary, tap for U [Cast Ghostly Flicker, targeting Mana Vault and Mystic Sanctuary] [Mystic Sanctuary trigger, target Ghostly Flicker] [Tap Mana Vault for 3] [Tap Mystic Sanctuary for U] Repeat bracketed lines as necessary --To make other colors, make an arbitrary amount of colorless, then flicker Mystic Sanctuary + Desired colored land-- --Grim Monlith can replace Mana Vault here--

March 19, 2020 11:23 p.m.

artificium says... #3

Just now seeing the update, was just thinking of suggesting brain freeze yesterday! Also thanks for the explanation

March 24, 2020 5:45 p.m.

artificium says... #4

I see you're also still including cursed totem despite the change to being more proactive

March 24, 2020 6:05 p.m.

Shmekles says... #5

the reason cursed is in is because its an artifact and doesnt slow elsha down the way the creature stax do. artificium

March 24, 2020 6:19 p.m.