Hello everyone!

If you are reading this you probably read my comments on various places throughout the internet, more than likely, youtube. I am a quiet deck building to stays low key mainly because I am busy with real life and family and I don't have much time for magic outside of deck building. So yes, I am a casual player that will not be going pro in the for-see able future, if you are looking to win a pro tour, this is page is probably not for you. However, if you are like me and you simply enjoy the game and don't want to blow your entire paycheck on the ability to win games, then check out my decks.

All of my decks follow a strict quality guideline: 1. They must be budget and readily available. None of my decks will ever surpass $50 for either paper or online and there shouldn't me more than 15 rares or mythics. Yes, I do own many plainswalkers and expensive cards, but they don't find their way into my decks I post here, I feel magic should be for everyone, not the lucky few who pull (or can afford to obtain certain) cards. 2. They must be able to win. All decks I post are tested with MTGO "tournament practice" level games of several games and against all archetypes in that meta. They don't have to will 51% of the time against each and every deck, but they must at least win 50% overall, and must win at least 34% of the time against decks that they are weak against Including Tier 1 decks. In other words they must stand a realistic chance to win you a game day or FNM. 3. Finally, they must be fun to play. so no infinite combos, and nothing that takes forever to win or is overly complicated.

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MTG Decks

Finished Decks 7
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Born of the Gods
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Limited
Venues Future Pastimes
Joined 10 years
MTGO Username DamainXI