WR Odric and Friends

Standard ApprenticeTapper


Proto-Update 3 —July 28, 2016

Removed: Hanweir Battlements, Westvale Abbey, 1x Mountain, Bygone Bishop

Added: 2x Hanweir Garrison, 2x Thalia's Lieutenant, 1x Declaration in Stone, Open the Armory

Notes: After glaring realizations were observed, Battlements and Abbey are simply too high in activation cost (Especially so Battlements) to be efficient in the early game orientation. To add to this, with the CMC of the deck being almost completely 3 or less, I've experimented with 18 lands, and found it still functioned decently. This is subject to change, though. As for the friendly Bishop, a wizened friend of mine explained to me the "Too Little, Too Late" Problem with his presence in my deck. I won't have enough mana at any one time to do that without sacrificing a precious turn. In their places, I've upped to the two most potent powerhouses in my strategy: Garrison and Lieutenant. The DIS found its 4th of after having freed 7 spots in the deck, and the Open the Armory is undergoing testing, but helps consistency for Captain's Claws, another powerhouse.