Rakdos Reign

Standard Wyoden


Jan. 11, 2014

Went to FNM tonight, went 3-1. Not bad.

Round 1-White/Black human/weenie aggro, won 2-1. This guy was playing a decklist very similar to some of the ones seen at the japanese GP-small beat down creatures, Xathrid Necromancers, etc. I totally outran him first round, kept a hand with one land and 2 magma jets and stayed mana screwed and died second game, outran him quickly again game 3.

Round 2-white/black midrange, 2-0. This deck was running more desecration demon/Obdezat/Blood Baron. Outran him on game one, he played a demon turn 4 which I took with an act of treason to finish him. Game 2 lasted longer, but he still wasn't able to keep up.

Round 3-Boros aggro, 2-1. This guy was running a pure aggro boros deck-his only removal being banisher priest. He had 2 priests out with 2 of my skullcleavers under them, I was able to burn them both and swing for the win. Pretty fun. Game two he drew into 4 banisher priests and 4 boros charms, I couldn't keep up even though I got my desecration demon with 2 madcap skills on it which almost got it for me ha. Won game 3 after trading punches for awhile before finishing him with a lightning strike. Good games, could have gone either way.

Round 4-Mono-red/devotion, 1-2. Game one she just out ran me with rakdos cacklers, ash zealots, boros reckoners, and finishing with fanatic of mogis, and had responses and was able to dig through her deck with several magma jets. Game two I was able to get through quick enough and keep some madcap skills up long enough to finish her. Game 4 she had all 4 of her magma jets, took out everything I put down and was able to draw into some burning tree emissary's and fanatic of mogis. I didn't have much to sideboard against her deck, it was really solid and one of the tougher match ups for my deck. Makes me feel tempted to go mono-red, but I feel that my deck is more solid against control/other decks in the format than mono-red overall.

Overall, not too bad. I took out an exava and added a desecration demon, it's just such a good card against almost every deck. Played a lot of aggro tonight, will be interested to see how it does against more control.