New Mono Blue Control

Legacy* Omega_esp


Oct. 10, 2014

  • (-) x1 Sphinx of Jwar isle
  • (+) x1 Aetherling

Omega_esp says... #1

i think that jwar is better than eatherling because cost 1 mana less to protect and has flying , i change island and swamp for shocklands.

What is better eatherling or morphling?

October 8, 2014 3:17 a.m.

Nick_Sharp says... #2

Flying is possibly not that good. What creatures are you trying to block? Clique, Delver, and Baleful Strix are the only commonly played flying creatures that I can think of. This means that Flying is often just unblockabe, and where it isn't it is irrelevant. Aetherling is probably a better threat. It can attack for 8 unblockable damage a turn, which presents quite a fast clock. The blink ability is quite relevant as well. At the moment it is difficult for you t deal with a "Liliana of the Veil" and Aetherling can avoid the -2. Other similar spells can be avoided in similar manner.

Shroud is good in Legacy, but being able to avoid non-targeting removal is also very important. At the moment I believe that this deck has a very poor matchup against the u/w control variants. This is due to the lack of threats that you are running, and their ability to wrath the board at least twice (Via supreme Verdict). Due to inability to interact with the wrath, I think a threat that can dodge such a spell is very useful.

October 8, 2014 6:59 a.m.