Jacksonville Jaguars - 4C Aristocrats

Canadian Highlander julius1768

SCORE: 3 | 583 VIEWS

8-31-21 Changelog —Sept. 1, 2021

-Goblin Sharpshooter

-Xathrid Necromancer

+Grist, the Hunger Tide

+Blooming Marsh

Sharpshooter was nice and I did enjoy him. However, he was rarely as good as I thought he would be and coming down as a 3 mana 1/1 that does nothing was just too slow and fragile. Xathrid Necromancer was a solid sac fodder card and had good human synergy but again did too little for 3 mana. Grist produces sac fodder and has great value while being fetchable off of Birthing Pod, Natural Order, and Green Sun's Zenith. The deck also needs more lands so Blooming Marsh slots in well as another black/green source for the deck. Eventually would like to get the list to 32 lands + Dryad Arbor but not sure what to cut yet. Also thinking about testing out Collected Company.