Esper Splash

Modern Rennymoses


DECKLIST UPDATE —Nov. 28, 2022

Hey there everyone.. somehow, the meta shifted right under my nose, and I have made some changes now, centering more-so for control. Geist, the original wincon has actually moved to the side now, in favor of walkers with more interaction.

In my opinion the deck works better, as a huge difference has been noticed going from 4 counterspells to 10. Being able to draw one roughly every 3 cards or so, has made a big difference in shutting down game swinging plays from the opponent's side.

I would still like to get more white leylines as well as Jace, the mind sculptor, but that isn't on my list of things to do atm.

Would love to hear thoughts from everyone as to what they would keep/change or ideas in general.

Thanks a bunch y'all!