Effective Espionage, Dominating Development

Commander / EDH BSP


As Expected —Feb. 8, 2021

This list is a house and addicting to play. It tests my skills on the fly and is a blast to pilot.

Two slots I've recently experimented with are delay and dig through time. I tried a game where delay was swan song and died while holding swan song up as my "protection". There are too many card types that swan song cannot hit that win the game. That one mana difference is good to protect my stuff, yes, but stopping others is more important. I am well favored in the long game except against dedicated GY decks.

Lately I have been thinking that finale of revelation is pretty bad early, but I know it can win the game in the right situations. Dig is similar, and a better card overall, but I prefer the OOMPH factor of the finale. It feels great casting it for 10+, and it is completely playable at lower amounts. With an ideal starting hand, I can easily cast it for X = 3 early, often with little consequence. This is not a game winning play, but it does not lose the game either. It's a solid card all around.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of this list. The game in which I died holding the swan song further affirms my thoughts: this shell can beat anything with proper decisions and good piloting. I played out my turn as though i didn't die, and I win on my next unless someone interacts.