What A Nice Deck You Have...

Frontier RainbowGuts


FNM (2-3) —June 11, 2016

Only one more win than last week but the wins were fought for and not a complete stomp for the most part.

Game 1: 0-2. Eldrazi U/B ramp deck. Good early but annoying because every time I countered his cards he had a counter for my cards and so forth.

Game 2: 2-0. Zada wolves. Able to clear the board and kill his creatures before they could do anything. Flipped TiTI this way and was able to completely smash face in Game 2. Also could not deal with my Stormchaser Mage early game.

Game 3: 2-1. Most fun match-up of the night. Another U/R Tutelage deck! Some interesting differences Won game 1 by outmilling. Lost game 2 by killing myself in an aggressive attempt to outmill with two Fevered Visions. Game 3 was able to smash down with a flipped TiTI and Stormchaser Mage.

Game 4: 0-2. G/W humans. Dromoka's Command. Need I say more? He got 3 early and there was nothing I could do. Messed up sideboarding in cards and put in Just the Wind instead of Negate (faulty thinking due to wanting to counter early creature drops).

Game 5: 0-2. B/W/U Eldrazi ramp deck with Sylvian Advocate. Almost won game 1 but could not handle 2 Advocates (which got huge) early enough. Game 2 was much closer with a flipping TiTI but languish into an attacking Advocate dashed those chances.

Despite the losses overall good games.

pischrena says... #1

what's up dude! When i first started playing, mill was my very first standard deck, and unfortunately it was the time around rally the ancestors.... so that was really bad like a UB ride from the tides deck lol. But with shadows they've definitely given us some nice mill cards. One thing I might suggest is instead of thing in the ice you can just maybe use manic scribe. it compliments the deck much more than thing in the ice does and a lot less scary than thing in the ice so they might not instantly remove it and you lose value. and i think if you're running radiant flames, you can maybe even use the UB or BR handlands so you can get even better value for it. magmatic insight is also insane if you discard drownyard temple. just some suggestions my man. good luck milling!

June 7, 2016 6:01 p.m.

RainbowGuts says... #2

pischrena TitI allows for great bounceback which stalls the game further. Also 0/4 defender is A+. I originally pondered a manic scribe and I may ponder it again depending on how well or how much I use the Stormchaser Mage since its the same mana and survives the basic radiant flames I have (and also makes it a 2/4 flyer). I'm mostly using radiant flames for the weenies decks to stall out. It's a really big flex card at the moment. Mill is really fun. The mono-blue of this deck when it worked was so so so fun.

June 7, 2016 6:11 p.m. Edited.