(Disclaimer: I own maybe 10 different Un-cards in total so a total Unglued/Unhinged was not even a remote possibility for the purposes of this deck. I have ONE in here, though...does that count?)
I have attempted to create a deck that has no real set purpose in how to win a game and, instead, is just all colours plus artifacts to do a bunch of different things, the majority of which have nothing to do with one another.
The only two things you'll see (as far as I can see, anyway) that work together just a tiny bit are the few land/mana-gain cards and things having to do with artifact-hate.
The latter of those is to express how much Calvin hates the sheer, overwhelming bore that is games with too many rules, especially when they have to be followed to the letter with no regard to the circumstances, the people, etc.
The only way to play this deck properly is to have fun doing it.