The Song of Phyresis

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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The "New" Phyrexian Tribe —July 5, 2021


With Modern Horizons 2 comes a very interesting retcon - a list of roughly 225 creatures (and a small assortment of other cards) now have the subtype "Phyrexian" or create tokens that have that subtype. What makes this retcon so interesting is that now this deck is essentially a Phyrexian tribal deck, with the exception of Grateful Apparition, Spike Weaver, and Evolution Sage. Oh, and for the curious, below is the full list of creatures affected by the errata:

So what does all this mean for the deck? At the moment, not much outside of a potential card swap of Defense of the Heart for Urza's Incubator (Ideally, this will help me get a Praetor out a turn or two earlier). Going forward, I can only hope that Wizards will print more Phyrexians that will be viable substitutions for some of the previously mentioned non-Phyrexians. My dream is to have a Grateful Apparition, but with Infect. Or a mono-white color shifted Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon. Now that would be exciting.

Separately, I chose to pre-order the Secret Lair: Compleat Edition. Honestly, I'm conflicted about this product - as a Phyrexia fan-boy I'm happy to see more cards in the Phyrexian language - but the Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite included in the package is the one card that upsets me. Back in the day I made a very big and very expensive trade to get the original Elesh Norn Judge promo, as far as I know this was the first and for a long time - only card with Phyrexian text. Now Wizards simply prints off this very rare and special print (albeit with a different border) for anyone to pick up. This Secret Lair kind of trivializes how special and rare that Elesh Norn is, or was rather - in my opinion.

Curious to see everyone's thoughts on the Secret Lair: Compleat Edition - will you buy it? Do you think it's something magic players will want to spend money on? Is it at a good price point? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

jicklemania says... #1

Love the description

April 9, 2021 4:23 p.m.

I decided to take my Atraxa deck in the infect direction. I've got four spots spots left for Creatures, but Hand of the Praetors is going in automatically. So three spots left, what Creatures would you put in?

July 3, 2021 7:56 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #3

Hey Odric_Magnusson,

It would've been helpful if you left a link to your decklist, but after a bit of clicking I found it. Context is always important if i'm going to make any recommendations. I already left a +1 on your page. I'll post my suggestions on there as well.

July 3, 2021 12:53 p.m.