
We've all seen it at some point. An iconic celeb tragically passes away, perhaps far younger than expected. As an added twist of tragedy, their legacies are exploited by an estate for the purpose of making money off of strange, posthumous projects. Artists like Bob Ross and Selena Quintanilla have had their likenesses used to sell merchandise, biopics, or even strange posthumous albums using unreleased audio cuts. Others may point to things like the Tupac Hologram as cashing in using the likeness of a celebrity that can't protest against the project.

With all that in mind, Ratadrabik of Urborg seeks to exploit the deaths of some of Magic's most famous Legends, and use their legacies to advance their ambitions towards victory. Much like exploitative estates, Ratadrabik leaves behind a wake of hollowed out projects which lack the luster and soul of their once-living counterparts, in the form of 2/2 Black Zombie token copies of these dead legends. Ratadrabik's strategy is simple: make the most out of all of these legends in life, death, and all states in between to win.

The deck currently lacks any combo wincons, and instead primarily seeks to sacrifice Legends for value and reanimate them repeatedly, or play aggressively and force the table to block Legends in combat.

This category is dominated primarily by mana rocks with a couple of miscellaneous effects that help with mana acceleration in early to mid game.


Rocks and Dorks

I am especially excited for the sac-based effects in this section that can help kill Legends for tokenification. As always, I have a mix of cantrip and repeatable effects on permanents.

Under consideration

I split this from removal, since I tend to see these effects as ones that are intended to prevent my opponents from interacting their own resources or mine as they would want to. It's a bit of a hair split, but I do see board/permanent protection effects working in tandem with Interaction to keep my resources working as intended.



A mix of single target removal and wipe effects. A category that feels a little light at the moment. Might see if I need to include 1-2 more options.

A handful of effects which will allow us to sacrifice legends at our own leisure. A mix of single cantrip and repeatable value effects:

Under Consideration

Unfortunately, we don't have Green or Red to help us make more tokens than we should be able to. We will have to make do with:

Under consideration

The legends we will be looking to exploit most. I've mentioned Exploit this entire primer like some kind of Chekov's Gun. This category is for Legends that have either an Enter the Battlefield trigger, or a trigger when they Leave the Battlefield, either through dying or just leaving by any means.

ETB Triggers

Death Triggers

A mix of effects which can reanimate creatures directly to the battlefield, or help recur creatures back to hand




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99% Casual


Revision 12 See all

(10 months ago)

+1 Demolition Field main
+1 Diabolic Intent main
-1 Field of Ruin main
+1 Vault of the Archangel main
Top Ranked
Date added 1 year
Last updated 10 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Elephant 3-3 G, Soldier, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Commander Night, Decks I’d Like To Build, wicked, TEST2, Cool EDH Decks, inspiration
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