
From a young age, Lonis always believed that strange, mysterious creatures dwelled in Ravnica, out of sight of everyday life: the noxbur shroom, the owlipedosaur, the lamplight crab. Years of research and exploration have yielded nothing, but Lonis remains undaunted. Others might mock him and consider his research a joke, but Lonis knows that Ravnica still holds mysteries that have yet to be discovered. Lonis believes that as long as he has patience and persists, one day he'll uncover the truth. - Emily Teng "The New Legends of Modern Horizons 2"

What could be better that searching for cryptids in a fantasy world? Probably finding those creatures in your opponent's library. Join Lonis in his investigation, finding way too many clues and discovering creatures Ravnica could only dream of! While this deck as a whole isn't necessarily powerful, our main goal here is going to be denying our opponents their best pieces by making them our own. We'll be getting there using a mix of flickers and bounces to abuse ETBs and rack up clues, then using Lonis to sac those clues to dig through libraries.


Clues being our main feature and all, I'll highlight the main ways to collect them here:

In addition to the main gang we have the workhorses of the deck:

Recurring Resources

There's a whole host of ways (about 10 by my count) to flicker/bounce our creatures to ramp, protect our board, and fuel this burgeoning clue factory. I won't list them but it's important to mention they're key to this deck, get them in hand or on board sooner rather than later.

Not including our typical mana rocks we have Sailor of Means, Coiling Oracle, and Wood Elves as prime flicker targets to ramp; we can also dump any spare clues we have into Krark-Clan Ironworks for extra mana. Speaking of spare clues, normally they would be more than enough for card draw but we want to save a few of them for Lonis; Beast Whisperer, Thought Monitor, Reverse Engineer, and Shimmer Dragon will be making up the bulk of card draw in the deck.

Dream Fracture, Confirm Suspicions, Frilled Mystic, and Glen Elendra Archmage make up our counters, the latter two being reusable while also bringing a clue with them. Unfortunately our only board wipe is Cyclonic Rift, but Pongify, Beast Within, Root Out, Ravenform, and Reclamation Sage should cover the rest of our removal bases.

Solving the Case.

If things go more or less to plan, there are a few ways we can finish this:

Now for a little math. With just the token doublers out you get 4 clues per trigger, 8 with Virtue of Knowledge, 12 with Strionic Resonator, then 4 more for Erdwal Illuminator for a total of 16 clues the first time we trigger Lonis' ability. The total would be up to 128 if you can slot in Parallel Lives, Primal Vigor, and Estrid's Invocation (32+32+32+32, I think...right?). It's a wonder how the Lamplight Crab is so elusive with that level of dedication.

If you have any suggestions then please feel free to mention them! (I'm maybe looking for something to replace Momir Vig)


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Shoutout to WotC for making a clue pre-con, making it Bant, then having the coolest additions IN WHITE! Anyway, here are some changes:

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98% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 3 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.23
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Beast 3/3 G, Bird 1/1 U, Clue, Copy Clone, Crab, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C
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