
Enchantment (1)


Budget Estrid, now cheaper!


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More changes, mainly around slotting in some new cards & removing cards I personally don't like:

Oblivion Ring -> Buried in the Garden

Just strictly better. Costs 1 more, but we get that mana + more with Estrid. It also allows us to swap out an aura ramp for something slightly different.

New Horizons -> Composer of Spring

With this out, turns can extend even longer as each enchantment is now one cheaper if you squint your eyes. New Horizons isn't the best either, as I prefer the mana flexibility from the "+1 mana" aura ramps, and these don't do anything to a land that taps for 2.

Unflinching Courage -> Rancor

Cheaper, recurs itself, and all we lose is lifelink which we didn't really care about. Much better.

Return to Dust -> Grasp of Fate

Why only two when we can have three on an enchantment? Assuming nobody removes it, but if we target the right things (1 bad thing for everyone on the table + 2 more things), there's a good chance the other 2 won't want to destroy it.

Nylea's Colossus -> Ellivere of the Wild Court

Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice -> Slumbering Keepguard

Now for the cards I just don't want anymore. Don't get me wrong, both of these are amazing, I just personally don't like to play them. For how low the price is now, Nylea's Colossus carries too much of the price, and the tutor with Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice is lame. In their place are great substitutes. Ellivere of the Wild Court works similarly, and Slumbering Keepguard can have massive amounts of mana pumped into him to get super big.

Azorius Chancery -> Alchemist's Refuge

Sun Titan -> Teferi's Talent

Finally, another funny combo I stumbled across. Alchemist's Refuge gives your stuff flash, and Teferi's Talent allows you to do the +2 untap on their turn as well. Outside of the combo, Teferi's Talent also is a soft form of protection since it'll add health with all the card draw. Even if we can't do the combo, we can add masks on other turns. Alchemist's Refuge, however, won't see much value. Small price to pay for the funny.


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93% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 3 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

18 - 1 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Clue, Emblem Teferi's Talent, Manifest 2/2 C, Mask, Wolf 2/2 G
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