Omen of Fire

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Omen of Fire


Return all Islands to their owners' hands.

Each player sacrifices a Plains or a white permanent for each white permanent he or she controls.

DreadKhan on Mishra's attackers

1 year ago

Berserkers' Onslaught is pretty handy if you've got big attackers, double power and first strike is sweet for 5 mana. Rite of the Raging Storm can help by giving you a 5/1 every turn to swing with, while also giving everyone else one to swing at anyone but you, which helps create some chaos as long as people don't run big blockers, and even if most people do, just someone not having a blocker will make that 5/1 a slow, steady source of damage, and people must hold back a blocker for it or take the 5. I like Onslaught with Rite, and if I can get a Mask of Griselbrand and Exquisite Blood you can do a tremendous amount of work with a 5/1, including drawing 5 cards when it dies. Mask is good in general in my experience, evasion is helpful in Rakdos, as is Lifelink for various 'pay life' effects that you might want to run. Some of those include Phyrexian Purge and Fire Covenant, both very strong old cards in many metas, but they work best with some life gain. 2 more cards that cost life and tend to feel pretty good in EDH are Ashes to Ashes and Reckless Spite, hitting 2 bodies is pretty helpful, and black Exile isn't super-common.

Kyren Negotiations are an interesting option if you have lots of goblins but can't swing through a Propaganda. Make an Example is very good value, you choose what dies (not targeted), and each player loses at least their best creature, maybe more). Volcanic Offering is a really solid card that can deal with 4 things that are bothering you if someone else is feeling helpful, but it can never directly hurt you, this can shut down an archenemy with one spell. If you find yourself troubled by Blue decks, there are Boil, Boiling Seas, Omen of Fire, and Citadel of Pain that are pretty helpful vs Blue and 2 colour Blue decks.

DreadKhan on Generously Hellbent

1 year ago

You might look at Rite of the Raging Storm and Exquisite Blood, maybe Berserkers' Onslaught, even a Mask of Griselbrand as a backup to your Skullcap idea, paying 3 to draw 5 always feels great in my Pavel build, and the Evasion/Lifelink are often relevant. I run a ton of wipes and removal, perhaps the best of which is Make an Example, which is just backbreaking to any deck reliant on having a specific creature on the board, and it hits each opponent in such a way that it's almost impossible to protect against short of countering it. As my deck hates being interacted with itself (it's full of chonky spells/effects just begging to get countered) I run Boiling Seas and Omen of Fire, alongside a Citadel of Pain, Pavel can soak up a lot of spare mana anyways. Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast might be more reasonable than adding Boil, but the deck loves hosing Islands for some reason. Since I run lots of board wipes, I tossed in Tyrite Sanctum and Daring Fiendbonder to give stuff Indestructible. I mostly run utility creatures like Agitator Ant or token generators like Ophiomancer and Ogre Slumlord, I'm presently at 16 creatures in the 99, so it doesn't usually matter if I'm wiping the board 3 or 4 times in a game. It's not unusual to win off of a timely Thieves' Auction, it's funny when you have a deck full of questionable permanents, some people will just scoop to it as well, it's a salty card to some. I mean if you're already running Omen of Fire, why not throw in Thieves' Auction?

Hope some of these ideas can synergize with your build, Pavel is a great under-utilized Commander, I built him more janky, but the deck is truly a blast to play.

dingusdingo on Looking To Build 5 Color …

4 years ago

You're going to have to run a lot of symmetrical effects (hit all players) and then run cards to get around them yourself. In a 4 player pod, if you 1 for 1 trade cards from hand for opponents lands, you're going to be really far behind. You start with 7 cards, while your opponents collectively have 21 cards. 1 for 1 trades are not the way to go about building this deck.

First, some cards that hate on lands. Winter Orb Static Orb Hokori, Dust Drinker

Now, some ways to negate the drawback

  • Boros Garrison and other bouncelands -> lets you get more from untapping just 1 land, and the bounce resets a land to enter untapped again
  • Lands that tap for 2+ mana -> Ancient Tomb City of Traitors Gaea's Cradle most of these are expensive-ish. Also check out depletion lands Remote Farm its a full cycle and they cheap.
  • Permanent untap effects -> Seedborn Muse and similar
  • Lots of artifact or creature based mana. Signets and Talismans are great in five color budget.

Next, some cards that destroy lands or hate on lands. Armageddon Boil Choke Flashfires Acid Rain Ravages of War Destructive Force Contamination Blood Moon Magus of the Moon Tsabo's Web Omen of Fire Strip Mine Wasteland Impending Disaster Tectonic Break Ruination Wildfire

Then we run some cards that let us recur lands, or like when lands break Ramunap Excavator Crucible of Worlds Life from the Loam Terravore The Gitrog Monster Titania, Protector of Argoth Splendid Reclamation

Add some lands matter cards, some ramp, and some good beaters, and you have a deck.

SideBae on Chainer - Necrotic Ooze and Worldgorger Dragon

4 years ago

This list looks really good. I have a few thoughts:

With regard to combo packages, you generally want to use pieces that can be valuable on their own, while taking as few card-slots as possible. I highly suggest only leaving in the Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker and the Worldgorger Dragon combos. I say this because the other combos require more cards that are dead on their own and/or cost too much mana. Leaving in just two combos, which have some interchangeable parts, means you have more slots for disruption, the deck is more consistent, and the average power of each top-deck you get increases.

You may want to consider haste-enabling reanimation magic, since you can use it to combo off without needing your general on the table. In general, the more you can combo off independent of your commander, the more frequently you'll win; people know 'kill on sight' generals, and can generally keep them off the table. Some spells to consider are: Corpse Dance (stacking the creatures you Buried Alive so Necrotic Ooze is on top of your 'yard), Shallow Grave (same stack) and Torrent of Souls . Obviously, this is a secondary method, but it's worth considering running one of these spells.

Your opponents are going to hate on you pretty hard (as people hate on all combo decks), so counter-disruption is going to be necessary. By Force is a powerful way to knock out Grafdigger's Cage , Nihil Spellbomb and similar stuff. Enchantment-based hate is a lot more difficult to deal with in Rakdos; I suggest using Engineered Explosives and/or Blast Zone to deal with cards like Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace .

Your manabase is good, but I see some room for improvement. I think High Market is probably better than Miren, the Moaning Well as a sac-outlet, simply because it costs a bunch of mana to activate Miren, the Moaning Well . I may be missing something, but I don't think Piranha Marsh and Sunscorched Desert are very good here. I suggest running basic Mountain s and Swamp s instead.

If you craft your manabase carefully, you can run some pretty disruptive nonbasic land hate. Magus of the Moon and Blood Moon are both big hosers in EDH, and Ruination ain't bad either.

I think you're also running two to three too many lands. You're running the best two-mana rocks, but running some of the slightly-less-awesome ones instead of a few lands can let you ramp to cast your general turn three. Mind Stone , Fellwar Stone and Coldsteel Heart are all good in addition to your Sol Ring , Talisman of Indulgence , etc.

Finally, red has some pretty great hate cards. Pretty much every deck searches at some point, so Stranglehold is a great card (that also occasionally hoses Narset, Enlightened Master decks). Price of Glory is good as a deterrent to countermagic. Depending on your meta, Flashfires , Boil and Omen of Fire can all end games -- I'm not sure what dork at R and D make Boil and Omen of Fire instants, but he deserves a high five.

Right. That's all I got. Good luck man! Hope this helps.

SideBae on No Victory Without Sacrifice

4 years ago

Phyrexian Dreadnought is about $30-odd dollars these days, but it'd be kinda busted here. It's like Force of Savagery , but +12/+12.

If you run self-recurring creatures like Bloodghast or Bloodsoaked Champion with sac-outlets like Carrion Feeder and Viscera Seer , you get self-recurring ways to pump Kresh the Bloodbraided .

City of Brass , Mana Confluence and Reflecting Pool are good ETB-untapped lands you may want to consider including.

Dorks are the main advantage of playing green. Llanowar Elves , Elvish Mystic , Elves of Deep Shadow , Fyndhorn Elves , Orcish Lumberjack , Birds of Paradise and Bloom Tender are all worth at least strongly considering. If your meta is blue-heavy, Carpet of Flowers is a great card.

Innocent Blood is a good symmetrical sac-spell. Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos are also worth considering.

Running Natural Order with Craterhoof Behemoth is a good win condition if the commander-damage plan doesn't work out -- it's especially good if you spam out the aforementioned dorks. Triumph of the Hordes is a similar green finisher.

Rancor is a good way to give your general trample that also recurs itself if he dies.

A reanimator package with Animate Dead , Necromancy , Dance of the Dead , Reanimate , Buried Alive , Entomb , and targets like Sire Of Insanity or Grave Titan can end the game real fast without your general needing to come down at all.

The Grove of the Burnwillows + Punishing Fire combo is a lot of fun in EDH, at least as far as I've had experience with it.

Card draw/selection is at a premium in EDH. Faithless Looting , Painful Truths , Night's Whisper and Read the Bones are all worth considering. Phyrexian Arena and Twilight Prophet are both really powerful cards. Commune with Lava is another great source of card advantage.

If you craft your mana-base carefully, you could likely run Blood Moon or Magus of the Moon shenanigans. Omen of Fire is GREAT if your meta is control-heavy, and is (for some god-forsaken reason) an instant. Boil and Choke are also good.

Casualties of War and Windgrace's Judgment are great multi-for-ones in EDH.

Fireshrieker ...? Kinda self-explanatory.

For cuts:

  • I don't think Butcher of Malakir is very good. Seven mana is a lot to pay for a creature that does not protect itself, and Grave Pact is likely a LOT better.

  • Chromatic Lantern is a card I've always thought is overrated in EDH. Just running a one-drop dork like Birds of Paradise is likely a lot better, mainly because coming down turn one is way better than coming down turn three.

  • Death's Presence is a card I suspect is not as good as it seems; it strikes me as a 'Win More' type card. It costs a lot to get down, and you're probably better off investing the mana and card in getting your general fatter in the usual fashion. Of course, play testing is fully capable of proving me wrong.

  • Essence Harvest strikes me as having too little effect. Running just one Fling -type effect is likely good enough.

  • Grave Betrayal is likely not as good as reanimation cards like Animate Dead or Reanimate , mainly because Grave Betrayal is way more mana-intensive.

  • If you put in the dorks I suggested, you likely don't need thirty-four lands. Cutting one or two is probably OK.

  • I think running either Swiftfoot Boots or Lightning Greaves is good enough; both may be overkill. Lightning Greaves is likely better, as it is free to equip.

  • Garna, the Bloodflame doesn't seem powerful enough. Another point to watch during playtesting.

triproberts12 on Radha, Aggressive Land Destruction

5 years ago

I think adding in some instants to make use of Rhada on the attack could be good if you plan on getting aggressive. Harrow combines the best of temporary and land-based ramp. Attacking with Rhada, tapping a green source and sacrificing it to kick Harrow puts you ahead on lands, and you still end up ahead on mana for the turn. Volcanic Offering on turn 3 is a one-sided Wrath attached to a double Stone Rain . Omen of Fire is higher variance, but it's still quite good. Sarkhan's Triumph can easily have you casting Savage Ventmaw or Hellkite Charger on turn 4 if you had a turn-1 mana dork. Comet Storm can get impressive fairly fast, as well.

Homelessguy on Jund Midrange Help

5 years ago

Flashfires,Omen of Fire,Anarchy, Disorder Use a couple of these to slow them down

Gidgetimer on Valid land targets

5 years ago

First a point of order about targeting in MtG, spells and abilities only target if they specifically use the word target. This may seem a little pedantic, but it matters more than you would think. For instance here Spiritual Asylum wouldn't save lands from being bounced or sacrificed.

When something specifies a land type and doesn't say "basic" it is talking about any land with that subtype. As such Underground Sea, Watery Grave, Fetid Pools, and Sunken Hollow are all islands and will be bounced with Omen of Fire, are fetchable with Flooded Strand, and can be searched out with Farseek. Dimir Guildgate, Sunken Ruins, Drowned Catacomb, and Arcane Sanctum are not islands and don't interact with those cards. You can find if lands have any types by reading their type line. All types, supertypes, and subtypes will be listed there.

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