Needlebite Trap

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Needlebite Trap

Instant — Trap

If an opponent gained life this turn, you may pay {{B}} rather than pay Needlebite Trap's mana cost.

Target player loses 5 life and you gain 5 life.

carpecanum on Yuriko OP?

9 months ago

Library of Leng will keep you from discarding your extra cards and combos with Putrid Imp. Discard your highest CMC card to the top of your library and keep hitting people for max damage every round.

Spark Double can copy Yuriko so you get 2 card draws for each ninja.

Pilgrim's Eye gives you a land ETB, has flying so you can usually attack with it, then recast for 3 mana after you Ninjitsu

The Cauldron of Eternity, Curse of the Cabal and Needlebite Trap have a high CMC but you can also cast them cheap

zamiero on Vial and Ghost!

3 years ago

3> Ahhh I've been wanting to play with Obosh, the Preypiercer and Angrath's Marauders - glad you found a spot for them. While you're at it, you could also consider other "damage doublers" such as Wound Reflection and Fiendish Duo. I've thought about a Vial-Smasher deck with a White partner just to add Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.

3> I see you enjoy big monsters and X-spells here. Oh to be young again... but seriously, this seems like a good deck to play them in as you would be rewarded. Instants are your friend, as you can Smash Vials on everyone's turn! No Comet Storm?

3> I would be worried about Vial-Smasher getting nuked from orbit as soon as your turn passes and it's no longer indestructible. You'll find Heroic Intervention and Slippery Bogbonder will help with targeted Exile removal. You already have Destroy and Sacrifice covered I see.

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

MollyMab on Tainted Control *Budget*

3 years ago

I see the concept. Its cool.

Needlebite Trap probably isnt worth it as by the time Remedy is out you cant use it and its ceiling isnt great either. I would cut it to up the ratios on your removal. I would also cut Drown in sorrows for being low impact.

Liquidbeaver on Healer's Revenge (Esper Lifepain?)

4 years ago

OLucas: I think Rain of Gore could work in a build that runs Exquisite Blood probably? The symmetry is harder to break, but it is definitely doable, and I don't really find myself targetting myself with heals all that much anyway.

Needlebite Trap unfortunately doesn't work, which sucks because if it worked the way we wanted it would be one of the best spells in the deck. I saw it the other day and nearly gasped, and was so excited and went to tell a brewer friend about it, and he reminded me that Remedy broke it... since Tainted Remedy is a replacement effect, they never actually get healed, so there is nothing to trigger the trap. This does however work in builds that focus on lifeloss instead of Tainted Remedy itself, and could be triggered with something as minor as Grove of the Burnwillows .

I only took out Triskaidekaphobia just yesterday in favor of Phenax. It is a very fun wincon, but I think it really needs a playset of Trees, which kind of makes some form of ramp necessary too. In a build with Red that definitely opens up using Simian Spirit Guide , or if Gruul is the base colors then you can do Boreal Druid or Ponza style ramp to get there (something I definitely toyed with).

OLucas on Healer's Revenge (Esper Lifepain?)

4 years ago

While searching for cards I also found Rain of Gore as another reason to run red and Needlebite Trap as just a great card (no idea what to swap for it though).

I'm sure you're already aware and it just didn't make the cut but Triskaidekaphobia plus Tree of Perdition is a very funny wincon.

carpecanum on Weaponized life gain

5 years ago

Tainted Sigil , Entrapment Maneuver , Secure the Wastes , Accursed Witch  Flip maybe.

If your guys ever need to block or anything you can get a toughness booster that will also make them worth more life when you eat them. Dictate of Heliod , Castle , Spear of Heliod

You can't do anything without mana. I would take out cards for 3 more lands and 2 more ramp. Unless you already own it i would take out the most expensive cards because this is a high dollar deck and it really doesn't need to be.

If you want to yell stuff at the table I will GIVE you a cheap card today at Heroes. Do a Yugi-oh impression, stand up and say "You've activated my TRAP CARD". Needlebite Trap . 7 CMC but you can cast it for 1.

If you can tutor for anything you almost can't find a better combo than Tree of Perdition , graveyard recursion and your boss saccing the tree to gain life equal to whatever your target used to have. Diabolic Tutor should be here just because this deck has like 5 combo pieces it could look for.

mrdehring on Home Alone with Thantis

5 years ago

I always find that my Thantis, the Warweaver deck ran into issue of not being able to play defense and my creature getting killed in combat so I did a few things to fix that. I like all the walls as a way to keep you from attacking but when you do have to attack there are a few cards that help you survive. Akroma's Memorial is amazing. Bow of Nylea usually means they don't get blocked by the bigger creatures. Dolmen Gate and Stonehoof Chieftain make them survive combat anyway. Sight of the Scalelords may also work to make your creatures stay back on defense.

As for fun cards to add, I really enjoy my Assault Suit in this deck and Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire is great removal and a fun political card.

I know you want to get attacked so you can play "traps" to stay on flavor so Nemesis Trap , Slingbow Trap , and Stone Idol Trap seem to fit. You may also think about Baloth Cage Trap , Cobra Trap and Needlebite Trap .

As an additional comment I will mention that if you need to stop getting attacked No Mercy and Dread keep people away.

mrdehring on Ima Smash them Ankles Yo

5 years ago

You mention that you are using Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper just to add green mana. If you don't really use her for the life gain I might suggest you use Tana, the Bloodsower . The few extra chump blockers might be helpful and occasionally you may make a small army.

I see a lot of X spells here I imagine that is to take full advantage of Vial Smasher the Fierce , but you also mention that you cmc is a bit high. Delve is a good answer to this problem, cards like Tasigur's Cruelty and Dead Drop can be cast for only one mana. I see you have Murderous Cut , but see what else fits your style.

You seem creature light Bedlam Reveler and Ancient Stone Idol might be nice, both have reduced costs and the idol has flash so you can always play it when someone else is being attacked.

Baloth Cage Trap is also a way to cheat mana costs and make a creature. A few other trap cards might help bring down the cost as well. Needlebite Trap and Nemesis Trap are fun depending on your playgroup.

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