Healing Grace

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Healing Grace


Prevent the next 3 damage that would be dealt to any target this turn by a source of your choice. You gain 3 life.

libraryjoy on Training Wheels Mono White lifegain

4 years ago

I would drop Healing Grace and add Soulmender. It's a beast in this type of deck.

Rainmaker217 on Modern Midrange Mardu Minotaur

4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it :) Unfortunately 'drop white, go aggro' is precisely what I did not want to hear, haha. There's plenty of aggressive minotaur strategies and I wanted to try for the opposite. So I think I'll be taking out Neheb the Worthy and replacing it with stuff that aids the control/stall/value package.

Maybe dropping black and adding blue allows for more card draw and counterspells, but all the minotaurs that take advantage of blue are older than modern or illegal in it, like Etherium-Horn Sorcerer.

Trading black for green, however, allows additional ramp, some Warden of the Chained, Eldritch Evolution and The Great Henge for more value. I prefer Mardu Charm over Naya Charm, however.

Keeping it Boros allows for a more spell-heavy exploitation and maybe abuse Smelt-Ward Minotaur and Boros Battleshaper to allow for small strategic advantages (and Domri's Ambush).

Finally, in whichever color base, I could lean more heavily on the white with things like Revitalize and maybe find a spot for Healing Grace (and if adding green, Captured Sunlight to give those minotaurs a wholesome bent. There's also some changelings I could add in, like Universal Automaton and Adaptive Automaton to streamline the curve.

For now I'll hold off on fetch lands, but maybe a bounce land or two would help out getting to more mana quicker?

TheCardPool on

4 years ago

SwirlySnake17 Hmm, interesting! Healing Grace could definitely be a consideration for future revisions. I do like the consistent lifegain because there's not a ton of it in this deck, but preventing damage isn't always better than just giving a creature indestructible or protection. Cool consideration though, thanks!

Ihazadeck on Boros feather

4 years ago

my shop(s) have a good amount of red and agro decks, i been using Healing Grace in my side.

Obial on Feather WAR Standard Deck

5 years ago

Love this deck +1 from me.

I would run Reckless Rage into the ground until it rotates out: not only does it not kill the Arcanist, but it also works wonders with Tenth District Legionnaire since it adds a counter on her before damage and she stays alive, plus the scry ... then Feather and repeat.

I also run a few Shock to ward off those pesky mono-red decks and the like. Plus in a heavy-hitting green match-up a Shock plus Rage gives you 6 damage for the low price of 2 red mana.

I only run 20 mana total in my deck since your scry and draw ability are insane. I've played single mana hands before and still done fine with how low this deck curves out.

My problem recently has been against other aggro decks that beat me out by just one or two life and it's been frustrating. I really like how you've incorporated Healing Grace and Moment of Triumph into this deck which have been the changes I think I've needed to put this over the top in my store meta. So thanks for the ideas!

Keep it up and I look forward to your updates and progress!

StopShot on Mardu Instant Burn (Budget)

5 years ago

I'd recommend running Healing Grace over Healing Salve and to run Burst Lightning over Shock . Both cards are strictly better than their counterparts and are Modern legal.

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