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Format Legality
Archenemy Legal
Casual Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal



On the Topic of Depictions of Racism in Magic.

White creatures get +1/+1.

FAIRxPOTAMUS on Band of Kjeldor

7 months ago

DreadKhan I know of Crusade being banned. Was that what you were thinking of?

shock7123 on For the Rebellion

9 months ago

Seems like a solid start. Just keep in mind that Crusade is banned in Magic in general.

BotaNickill on What is...Human?

1 year ago

Thanks for the Upvote and the Notes and suggestions friend! I'm actually trying to acquire more copies of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben still. I just kinda threw this together with the cards I had so that I could get a feel for the deck. White weenie was a big deal back in the day and I loved playing it, so I'm kinda leaning into that range with this deck being Tribal Human as well, but I also like the idea of Death and Taxes, so I'm a bit unsure where to go with it to make it competitive and still staying true to the tribal theme. It definitely excludes some of the better Tax cards in doing this, but I feel like there is some good human cards that also tax. I'm actually headed to do some playtesting with this right now, so I should have a better idea later. I do have three Aether Vials and I could swap them in as you suggested, I personally would like to see the Esper Sentinel get bigger and to provide a bigger tax. Too bad Crusade is no longer a thing, lol. I do have an Authority of the Consuls but only one. maybe I'll try both for now? Anyways! Thanks again for checking in! Cheers!

ET_ASH1228 on what do you think

1 year ago

so with my group of people i play mtg with i use the card Crusade(it says white creatures get +1/+1 for 2 white mana). my opinion is it shouldt be banned, so i kinda want to know what others think about the card

estoner on I solved mana screw and …

1 year ago

I played from 7th Edition to when they banned Crusade.

Nobody is saying this would replace mulligans: we would have to figure out how the existence of a manabase and a library simultaneously would impact starting hands and subsequent mulls, like if you are forced to draw all seven cards at the same time, or one after another in sequence, if you choose which decks to draw from or always get 3 from one deck and four from another, etc. Maybe starting hand size would be reduced and you get 3 cards from each pile. I don't know.

Storm, Eggs, and Dredge are not even decks. They are knowledge checks like repeatedly doing a Hellsweep in Tekken until your opponent dies. Do you have Leyline, RIP, Stony Silence, etc? Great, you win. If a player doesn't have those cards in his sideboard, he is probably lost and needs someone to escort him back to the retirement home.

Commander is not Magic: the Gathering. Commander is a game played with Magic: the Gathering cards. There is a difference.

Maybe the life totals would be increased to 30 like Duel Commander. Maybe Lightning Bolt would have to be banned. The point is that the fundamental assumptions of the game are bad. Why is it acceptable in a card game that you can lose before the game starts? People used to play Magic for ante. How can it possibly be acceptable that you lose a Black Lotus because you drew a couple of hands in a row with no mana sources or flooded for five turns in a row?

Charbelcher is not even a real Magic card; it's a joke that was written on cardboard.

Imagine for a moment that poker never existed. Instead, everyone played Sealed Magic with these manabase rules, for money. I promise you that you could not convince them to switch over to the current comp rules, where you can literally just not draw mana and lose a Pro Tour through no fault of your own.

And I'm not saying it because I'm salty: I play control decks with 26 lands. I'm just saying that if Magic were more like Chess or Dreamblade, games that require skill, you wouldn't even need WOTC for pro play, because the scene would form itself.

Icbrgr on Censorship

2 years ago

Times are just different now... even in the history of magic cards/art there are now forbidden Crusade, Invoke Prejudice, Jihad, Cleanse, Stone-Throwing Devils, Imprison ect ect...

This hasnt happened to me personally no....but iv'e seen wild threads in the blind eternities that went on that had less to do with magic/the game than Oof_Magic's original/copied posts.

If someone where to make a post saying that they were upset with the author of the war of the sparks decision to undo Nissa and Chandras relationship/sexual preferences that would be allowed to let the conversation develop..... I cant say the same would be allowed/tolerated if it went the other direction. If someone were to make a post/thread about Niko Aris and their opinions surrounding the planswalkers lore and creation I could also only assume the conversation would be allowed to go one way as well.

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