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Rakdos' Sadistic Society

Modern Aggro BR (Rakdos) Competitive




This deck is built to be FAST. I succeeded. Haha. Don't get me wrong, there are faster, and better decks. I LOVE Rakdos aggro though. Definitely my play style...Yes, I realize I need Vexing Devil, and I am currently attempting to trade for him. My mana base isn't exactly where I want it...it's close. I took a short break from Magic just before Kaladesh hit, so if you see any new cards that would fit nicely here, I'd be happy to hear them. Thanks for taking a look!

Here is the breakdown:


Bloodsoaked Champion - This little guy is a one drop 2/1, has its own recursion technique, and feeds my late game aristocrats. Yes, please. Haha.

Monastery Swiftspear - Another human to feed Aristocrat later in the game if necessary. Haste, and the prowess trigger can be relevant given the amount of removal I run.

Lightning Mauler - This is a great early drop insuring haste for all future creatures I play.

Pack Rat - May seem a little meh at first glance, however anyone familiar with it knows it is actually incredibly powerful. A turn two rat is a valid win condition by itself if you go all in unhindered. Bonus points if you quickly play Lightning Mauler so you can swing with your fresh tokens every turn.

Scrapheap Scrounger - Inability to block on multiple creatures isn't ideal, but this is a recursive 2 drop that swings for 3. Really an efficient creature in a deck that doesn't have the best card draw.

Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Trying her out here as a one-of to see if the benefit is worth the no haste. If I like how she plays, I will grab more of her.

Mardu Strike Leader - Much better in conjunction with Lightning Mauler, however it isn't bad on its own. This is a mediocre body with a good ability when the vast majority of your damage assignment is in combat. Really a trial run, I'll see how it goes. Will be replaced with Goblin Rabblemasters when I acquire some.

Vampire Nighthawk - Not haste...but a decent body with GREAT abilities. Plus the life can be a game changer itself. Probably won't last, looking for suggestions here.

Erebos, God of the Dead - Trying this as a 1-of to see if the card draw is beneficial like I believe it will be. Also, hitting his devotion isn't difficult or even uncommon...I could beat people in the face with him.

Falkenrath Aristocrat - Flying, Haste, and some protection all on a good body. This is one of my favorite drops and has swung the tide in my favor on numerous occasions.

Not Creatures:

Lightning Bolt - This cards needs no description...if you're running red, you need it. 3 to the face...or f*** you early Goyf.

Dreadbore - Sorcery speed is bad, but the ability to hit planeswalkers and creatures is relevant, so it remains as a one of.

Terminate - One of the best Rakdos destruction spells in my opinion...I do not know of a better one at instant speed.

Victim of Night - Hits practically everything at instant speed for 2 mana...I'll take that all day.

Kolaghan's Command - Damage to the face, and returning a creature to my hand is the main use of this, however, the other two modes have their moments of usefulness...so I can not fault it there. This really is just a powerful card, well worth the price.


Alpine Moon - Tron is not a great matchup here, name tower and sit back and relax as you kill them before they get to play anything relevant.

Duress - This is to grab removal and board wipes out of my opponents hand. Comes in game two verses virtually every control deck.

Glaring Spotlight - Bogles is not very popular in my area, but there is one deck, so this buffs my chances a bit.

Dreadbore - Fairly obvious inclusion in my meta, people love their walkers...this lets me destroy them, and drop a creature in the same turn normally. Sorcery speed isn't great, but Hero's Downfall is too mana intensive for targeted removal and no other bonus. Considering Pithing Needle or Phyrexian Revoker here instead...I'd love to know what y'all think.

Rakdos Charm - Comes in for artifact hate. Also not terrible against white weenies, elves, or token strategies.

Phyrexian Revoker - I used to run Pithing Needle in this slot, but this gives me the ability on a body I can swing with.

Hero's Downfall - A more expensive Dreadbore at instant speed. Good, but not good enough for the main. Comes in when I need tons of removal or planeswalker hate.

Kolaghan's Command - Comes in as necessary, can be used against removal heavy decks, or as a nice added bit of burn.

Tainted Remedy - Is life gain still relevant? Because it is bad for this deck, this is a way to punish people for using a strategy that I don't like.

Stain the Mind - U/W Control is oddly popular. This comes in again any combo strategy, and normally game 2 against almost anything. Take a threat or a combo piece...both are beneficial.

I realize the deck isn't perfect, but it is insanely fun, and I would LOVE some feedback for it. If you have any ideas, please comment. If you like the deck, or are a fellow Rakdos Guildie, drop a +1 on your way out. Thanks!!


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Had a great night, got some terrible matchups, but it was great fun.

Round 1: Splinter Twin (0-2)

Normally this isn't a terrible matchup for me, bad draws coupled with a bad decision cost game one. Game two I brought in a pair of Duress and a pair of Rakdos Charm, we kept trading threats, I had him down to 6 life. Took a risky play to put him to 3 and put me in position to win the game next turn, he top decked Twin for the win. Haha, nothing I can do there. He ended up going undefeated all night and winning the tourney, so I don't feel too bad about this one.

Round 2: U/W Control (0-2)

I was a little out of my league here. I run a lot of spot removal but he ran 0 creatures. Lots of dead draws. He had a bounce combo with Detention Sphere and Venser, the Sojourner. That coupled with a plethora of Supreme Verdict and counter spells just destroyed me. Game two was much better after I boarded out 8 and replaced them with 8 other options. This was a much closer game, but the Detention Sphere combo killed me again. That was a crazy home-brew, but very powerful. He took second place in the tourney. Haha. Played the top two players for my first two rounds with 18 people there...what can you do?

Round 3: BYE (2-0)

Round 4: U/W Control (2-0)

He was just out classed. I raced him to death by turn 5. Game two was the same. This was a good friend of mine, so the games were fun...but he brought a brand new deck that had 0 playtesting. It needed some work for sure.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #28 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WUG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 10 Rares

13 - 3 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.13
Tokens Copy Clone, Warrior 2/1 B
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