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京 Oona, (Exile/Control)(inf combo) (CEDH) 京

Commander / EDH* Combo Competitive Control Infinite Combo Mill UB (Dimir)




Oona, Queen of the Fae -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Tier 1.5 commander ...

A queen that is the best in slot for exiling players decks(not mill), Because she is an Outlet/Dump for "infinite" Mana and not a key combo piece. She is perfect if you want to catch people off guard by Being able to win very early on and protect yourself while doing so with fancy mechanics and plays ^^ and to remain somewhat an underdog at the table if they never saw your commander or deck before... Oona's sole niche right now is one of the most effective infinite mana outlets!!! When played for the first time on your table/tournament/etc people won't expect the power of this commander if they have not researched her properly and might ignore you for a bit... And as soon as they start to understand you have quite a large protection package available to be one step ahead again and even play pieces without them fully understanding you only need a turn to go off, for example, Grim Monolith turn 2 will likely be ignored when other players are slamming down tutors and are still ramping themselves...

I am one of those players that fell in love with "infinite" combos and odd/weird ways to win, also kind of a douchebag counter lover but nonetheless, I hereby present you my take on Oona our beloved queen... Trying to stall/storm/counter/wipe/annoy/ and tutor for your "pieces" is what this deck is mostly about and pulling off the combo... (Inspired on my Exodia Yu-gi-Ho deck that beat everyone when I was a kid ^^ ...she is now 3-4 years in the work and hereby I am proud to present you plebs my queen)...

  • Able to beat any deck, and can Mulligan aggressively for interaction or pieces...

  • Can protect itself easily from any interaction and deal with any deck currently out there if patient.

  • has a win as early as turn 1, 2, 3, and gets easier the longer the game goes on...

  • versatile win condition without the commander.

  • UB (can easily be changed to a more storm approach)

  • You will get the table to 3v1 you when they see you getting ahead because we don't use that many creatures and are mostly open.

  • Has a lot of interaction that at crucial times cannot be missed and will lose you the game if not used properly or stacked wrongly.

  • Needs to be very cautious against green or red with slamming down pieces of the puzzle and holds back until you get breathing room to go for a win.

  • Has a way of draining its own life for recourse and might put you dangerously low...

  • Needs very good understanding of Doomsday piles, and any other small interactions like for example with paradox engine and positive rock counting with certain storm features like Hurkyl's Recall. If, for example, you pass a turn after you cast and resolved doomsday you're not allowed to play this deck or doomsday... Then i suggest you play something easier...

  • Needs proper understanding of what, when and why you tutor something.

  • Has an upgrade if you want to push for a win even faster in thrasios and tymna...

**The commander**

Why Oona, Queen of the Fae as commander;

Oona brings to the table the benefit of translating infinite mana into a direct win with no extra steps. There is some value in relieving the combo of intricacies as it provides few outlets for the win to be halted due to some restricting factor on board. Ideally, once you make infinite mana, you can win through draw locks, graveyard hate, and the like. In short, fewer steps means fewer angles of attack by opponents and, therefore, harder to interact with.

It's relatively an underestimated commander that can win very early on... (DO NOTE SHE "EXILES", making tactics like putting something in your deck that will return from the grave utterly useless and making her infinite even more devastating!!!) she shines best in multiplayer because you can mill more opponents at once although you need to keep in mind that you need at least one or for each player. And that there is almost no reason to get her in play if you don't have to (so only when winning ;) ).

of course, we run other win conditions like doomsday which I will explain further on... (PLAN B)

/ flying if unblocked or left alone takes 5 turns to dish out more than enough lethal commander damage which is the hardest way to win with her but possible... yet never happened so far :'( , but I bet at some casual table it might work...

Don't forget your Fae tokens...

If you can't finish off the entire table or lack the mana to do so, Try and net 1/1 fairies for defensive reasons, mostly this can finish off people with like 30 to 40 Faeries on the next turn if they try to take out parts of it... (Especially versus mono-colored commandos XP) if only Painter's Servant wasn't banned ^^ bg rng.

** Infinite Combos**

Enter the douchebag Show



(my Tier 1 deck can be found here :

京 An illusion? What are you hiding? (CEDH-$T4KS) 京

Commander / EDH Kiyomei

SCORE: 249 | 141 COMMENTS | 39767 VIEWS | IN 109 FOLDERS

. )

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So with the release of the new labman that can win while there are 2 or less than 2 card left in your library since it's equal or less than the devotion on board, we have adjusted and removed jace (being to hard to cast compared to Labman) and are considering if it's still worth it to run lab man as a backup since this card is bonkers!

Thassa's Oracle + Demonic Consultation

This card also slims down the DD pile and is more easy on your Mana since it cost 1 less than lab man does, And just has to enter the battlefield while not needing to stick around for draw with it's ETB.

How to :

Step 1 : Cast oracle (hold prio)

Step 2: Hold priority and cast Consul naming something that is not in your deck!

Step 3: If Consul resolves let ETB resolve = Win Win

What makes this more interesting is that an opponent can only counter the oracle here and not remove it after you have cast consul since of it's ETB still being on the stack! Which makes this Combo less all in and safer to play if backed up with counter magic as well!

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98% Competitive

Revision 10 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Demonic Consultation main
+1 Tainted Pact maybe
+1 Thassa's Oracle main
Top Ranked
Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors WRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.86
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Faerie Rogue 1/1 UB, Spirit 1/1 C
Folders Inspiration, sick decks, Mill Folder, Compare to.... , Oona EDH, Untapin Edh fun, Awesome EDH, Commander decks, Decks I play, Fae
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