
Enchantment (2)

Instant (1)

Creature (1)

A mono-red troublemaker

Long story short : duplicate creatures go BrrRRrrr...

This deck is helmed by Jaxis, the Troublemaker and we'll win by using her ability to generate value from various etb-triggers, creature deaths and the rummaging (red looting) she offers incorporated in her copying ability. Her second ability, Blitz, is also quite handy when she has been removed from the board a time or two. We can get a sorcery-like effect costing us just three mana and discarting a card, in exchange we get an etb-trigger of Jaxis herself, a copy of one of our creatures and getting to draw two cards by the end of the turn(one of Jaxis when she leaves the battlefield and one of our sacrificed copy made by her).

Of course, we also have some other cards that can help us in generating copies of our creatures Jaxis, the Troublemaker; Delina, Wild Mage, Reflection of Kiki-Jiki   and of course good ol' Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. These fantastic four are the ink-patterns we need to keep our value-printer printing out them copies.


We create copies of creatures so you can be certain that we have a few combo's up on our sleeve.

  1. The classic Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts of course = infinite etb + infinite hasty conscripts
  2. Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame = infinite etb + infinite hasty creatures
  3. Delina, Wild Mage + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker = infinite etb triggers of tapped kiki-jiki's
  4. Goblin Bombardment + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Thornbite Staff = infinite etb + infinite damage
  5. Combat Celebrant + Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker = infinite combat steps + infinite etb
  6. Atsushi, the Blazing Sky + Jaxis, the Troublemaker + Thornbite Staff = infinite etb + infinite treasures + infinite rummaging
  7. Reflection of Kiki-Jiki   or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker+ Thornbite Staff + Atsushi, the Blazing Sky = infinite etb + infinite treasures
  8. Jaxis, the Troublemaker + Thornbite Staff + Patron of the Arts + Goblin Bombardment = infinite etb + infinite treasures + infinite rummaging + infinite damage
  9. Reflection of Kiki-Jiki   or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker+ Thornbite Staff + Patron of the Arts + Goblin Bombardment = infinite etb + infinite treasures + infinite damage

Notable card groups

Entering The Battlefield

When we look at the combo's in this deck we see that all of them gice us infinite etb-triggers and outside of the combo's we will also be making as much copies as possible. To maximize the value of all the creatures that we will be having entering and leaving the battlefield we use; Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge.

Thornbite Staff, Thousand-Year Elixir , Illusionist's Bracers, Panharmonicon and Determined Iteration Will help us with the duplication of our creatures and our etb-effects.

Discard fuel/ circumvention

Jaxis' creature duplication comes with the upfront cost of 1 red and the discarding of a card. Discard does not have to be a downside or a cost and we have some ways to circumvent it or use it to our advantage;

-Plz discard me daddy: Anger, Squee, Goblin Nabob (gives us a free discard each round) and Ox of Agonas are all cards we can discard whenever without any real drawback and are 9/10 the right cards you want to throw into the yard.

-Playable when discarding: Revolutionist, Fiery Temper and Avacyn's Judgment have all madness and can be cast that way when you discard them. While not strictly madness, Containment Construct does make it possible to play the card(s) we discarded that turn. A quick note on Avacyn's Judgment: In the case of having combo 6 or 8 go off and not having (enough) etb-damage (somehow with infinite rummage and mana) you can use it's madness cost to finish your opponents of.

-Ehhhh, better this than something else: Faithless Looting and Impulsive Pilferer both have flashback. While not the ideal discard options, they are still some of the better options when you are early- or midgame and don't have any of the cards in the 2 aformentioned categories.


Chaos Warp can remove anything. Blasphemous Act, Chain Reaction and Vandalblast are the mass-removal we have, one for creatures and the other one for artifacts. Luckily we are a deck concerned with copying cards so we have various ways to not only copy and use other players removal spells with Reverberate and Dualcaster Mage (Wich we can also copy to use his copy-effect) but to copy our own creatures that can remove other permanents of the board. Duplicant and Meteor Golem can be reliably copied and reused. Scavenger Grounds has support of 2 other deserts that it can sacrefice in case a graveyard-dependend deck needs to be kept in check.

A bit of a more roundabout way to remove a problematic creature from an opponent is to steal it with Molten Primordial or Zealous Conscripts and sacrifice it with Goblin Bombardment or High Market. Goblin Engineer can also be used as a sac-outlet to get a pesky artifact out of the way that you stole with Zealous Conscripts.


We have a light packet of mana-rocks in Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Mind Stone and Iron Myr. This, of course is not the only ramp we have. We can generate treasures out of Impulsive Pilferer, Patron of the Arts and Atsushi, the Blazing Sky by copying them. Priest of Urabrask works the same but with a direct return of mana and not treasures you can keep around and card: Solemn Cimulacrum straight up gives us a Mountain. Birgi, God of Storytelling   gives us an extra red when casting a spell and Hazoret's Monument makes our creatures cheaper giving us an extra loot-effect if needed. We also run a few rituals that can hasten our early game, these are Desperate Ritual and Seething Song.


Red isn't the greatest at graveyard recursion but we have some of it. Goblin Engineer is a pseudo tutor we can use to get our cheaper artifacts out of the graveyard. Myr Retriever can just get any of our artifacts back in our hand and Feldon of the Third Path can be used to get one of our creatures needed for one of our combo's to finish of the opponents.

Elixir of Immortality

Elixir of Immortality is a card I want to single-out at the end of this write-up. This little card is our one and only get out of jail for "free" card against graveyard removal. While it is quite a nice way to save assets sitting into our graveyard we can also use it as a safety-valve when using one of our Jaxis, the Troublemaker combo's (6 and 8) in case we rummage through what's left of our library and could potentially die due to not be able to draw cards anymore.

Closing notes

First of all I'd like to thank you for reading through my wall of text. I usually just use tapped out to throw some deck ideas down for myself without giving it an explenation and any second thought. When I wanted to change some things in this decklist a few days after I first uploaded it I noticed that this deck had about a 150 views. This doesn't normaly happen with my decks. They mostly get about some 30-40 views and disappear into void (Not that any of them are really notable/good/fun) of unnoticed decks without a description or original name. This bump in views with this particular deck made me attempt my first write-up of a deck-description. So any feedback/comments not only on the deck itself but how I can write stuff like this better in the future is always welcome. So I'll give you my thanks for reading all this once again and have a nice day you beautiful stranger at the other side of the net.


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