Cacti Counters

Commander / EDH* shivanlord


April 17, 2024

I had a good amount of what was suggested already, so I modified the deck with these updates:

1x Myriad Landscape 1x Karn's Bastion 1x Fabled Passage 1x Inspiring Call 1x Kami of Whispered Hopes 1x Tireless Tracker 1x Doubling Season 1x Greater Good 1x Kodama of the West Tree 1x Nissa, Vital Force 1x Vigor 1x Scapeshift 1x Gyre Sage -1x Farseek -1x Thought Vessel -1x Lotus Cobra -1x Yedora, Grave Gardener -1x Harvest Season -1x The Skullspore Nexus -1x Wrenn and Seven -1x Nissa, Ascended Animist -1x Questing Beast -1x Crucible of Worlds -3x Forest

Nissa, Vital Force, I think, will work better than Horn of Greed in many cases, giving opponents resources is hard, especially in my play group, so I typically prefer finding a better option for that and she fits pretty well, a good suggestion from one of my play group. The rest of the edits, I think, giving more +1/+1 counters, is better for the deck overall. Parallel Lives I don't think does quite enough but leaving out Doubling Season was incorrect originally. We'll see where this goes from there, does seem better.

Profet93 says... #1

shivanlord budget per card?

I'll take a closer look later but for now, Scapeshift - Synergy with commander + splendid reclamation

April 14, 2024 2:52 a.m.

shivanlord says... #2

Hmm, depends on the card. This is my actual current list, but I can work towards other things if I need them. I do actually have a scapeshift and thought about putting it in, but that interaction between splendid reclamation, I didn’t think about, for some reason. But that’s definitely a good call, I’ll try and put that in somewhere. Any suggestions on what I should cut?

April 14, 2024 6:27 a.m.

Profet93 says... #3

I don't see a lot of draw in here, how about a Momentous Fall or a Shamanic Revelation? For something more on theme although symmetrical, Horn of Greed. Greater Good is also a great option. It's a sac outlet to prevent theft, exile and can net you a ton of cards.

Castle Garenbrig - Simple ramp

Fetchlands like Fabled Passage, Terramorphic Expanse and even Myriad Landscape are potentially worth considering. Especially given you run crucible and ramunap. You run a lot of basic forests. Have you considering swapping some of them out to create additional utility in the mana base? Sadly a lot of the more powerful lands are expensive but there might be some that are worth considering depending on what you're looking for.

Potential Cut - Questing Beast. I don't see how it's purpose in the deck. Is it a meta call for a PW deck?

April 14, 2024 3:37 p.m.

shivanlord says... #4

Some good suggestions, for sure, I certainly need to pick up a greater good for this deck, that seems real solid here. I forgot about that card, as apparently I don’t have any more copies. The amount of forests is a balancing act, for sure. But some of the other fetch’s should be put in.

As for cost of suggestions, don’t worry about that, if I can’t get something, so be it, but I’d rather have the suggestion than not as it will help to give other ideas also, and where to improve, and, who knows, maybe I already have what you might want to suggest. There’s not much I can’t get regardless, eventually, if I try hard enough. Thanks for the assistance.

April 14, 2024 8:51 p.m.

shivanlord says... #5

As for Questing Beast, that was kind of a meta game call, as I can see it being somewhat useful, but I was thinking also, that it was probably the closest to the chopping block. As for more draw, definitely something to consider as I tend to run out of resources fairly fast, but I have yet to play the deck, so who knows how it will go in the end. But would certainly want to get things situated if I can first, since I don’t have too many opportunities to play.

April 14, 2024 8:53 p.m.

GutterbonesMan says... #7

You have a Farseek here but since you are running mono green you won’t be able to fetch for anything, just a heads up!

April 16, 2024 11:41 p.m.