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Akiri and Tymna's Abusive Relationship | Primer

Commander / EDH Aggro Control Midrange RBW (Mardu) Tempo


Updated February 12th, 2020

31st EDH Deck - Mardu Beats


"Perfection through Knowledge, Satisfaction through Ruthlessness, Harmony through Acceptance"

I'm the guy who loves playing decks that aren't that popular and will spends thousands of dollars refining them until I deem them complete, yes I am that type of person. I been introduced to Magic the Gathering back in middle school in the year of 2003, the block that I started in was the Kamigawa block and I found it very interesting. During that time I played a constructed deck on and off and eventually life happened and I stopped playing, flash forward almost exactly ten years later and I joined an anime/otaku club. Here I met people playing MTG and I also started getting back into it. Currently I am an avid competitive EDH player who has a tendency to play combo/control decks, I absolutely hate to lose but I enjoy a great match. I've been known in my group as always being threatening and able to win out of the blue so they love to make my life hard and deny me all of my resources, as you will see the reason a lot of my decks are built to win either with flair or questionable commanders. Now enough about me, go read further below that's what you actually came here for!

Surprisingly this deck actually originated from one of my oldest decks, being built from the ashes of my poor Nahiri (you will forever be remembered!) which was dissembled around early 2019. Nahiri than transitioned into Balan, Wandering Knight for a short duration but even than she became scrapped. Around the same time I had also disassembled my lovely Drana as well so I had an abundance of excellent white and black cards. I was looking for a way to control the game without using blue and than I came across an awesome Queen Marchesa build done by precociousapprentice. It was similar to what I was looking for and decided to try it out!

Since I never had a partner build I decided to go with Tymna and Akiri. I chose it because of the synergy between the two and the card advantage it will give more than over Marchesa. In the first iteration of the build I went full Sunforger package with the inclusion of Mistveil Plains and friends, it was a full Mardu control build and I loved it. I disassembled it temporarily when Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale was released, but that was also short lived as it did not live up to my expectations on how I wanted it to play. When I rebuilt partners in this current iteration I went for a more heavier creature build with a sub theme of hate bears, I lowered the amount of control and went with more threats and aggro power. It definitely scales up depending on the types you play and is an all around fun deck! With that being said I present to you Akiri and Tymna's Abusive Relationship!

Deck Breakdown

The deck strategy is fairly simple, here let me break it down for you in a few very vague steps.

  1. Drop value and create card advantage.
  2. Neutralize threats and protect your advantage engines.
  3. Nuke your friends and make them cry.
  4. $$$Profit$$$

On a more serious note, this is a Mardu Aggro Control type of deck. The premise is to out value your opponents with synergy and card advantage while locking down the board. Knowing what to tutor for and knowing the type of decks you are facing against helps out exponentially. What makes this deck extremely fun is the amount of flexibility you can put into deck building, this version is currently built for my meta so being more on the aggro value applies more pressure when they are trying to answer us rather than us answering them.

  • Getting Tymna online and drawing cards is the name of the game, the more card advantage you have the further you will advance your boardstate.
  • Tutoring for Mana Crypt is almost always right.
  • Only drop enough creatures to maintain card advantage when you have Tymna online, one complete boardwipe can ruin your whole day if you don't have any other creatures in your hand.
  • Akiri is a hell of a blocker and attacker, combined with Odric leads to a nasty boardstate.

Archangel of Thune: Value creature, makes all your creatures huge and with us running a slight lifegain synergy leads us into a difficult board state to deal with.

Aven Mindcensor: Meta card. Premiere anti-search tech, stops people with better decks in the case of fetches and tutors, but also a flying attacker for your card draw as well with Tymna online. Having a flash creature helps during end of turn actions.

Containment Priest: Meta card. Another hatebear cards that stops hulk or any cheaty effects like Mayael or Chord of Calling. People get really salty over this card.

Drana, Liberator of Malakir: Not only does she fly and have first strike she also makes all your attacking creatures bigger and tougher. Still testing her but I like her so far.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite: We can get mana pretty quick and this shuts down token strategies as well as buffing your board. All in all a huge threat when she hits the table.

God-Eternal Oketra: The best thing about her is that she makes lil 4/4 babies on cast trigger of your creatures and not only is she difficult to get rid of permanently she also has a big booty. Gives you more attackers and also makes quite a board presence.

Inferno Titan: One of the titans chosen to run in this deck, the etb bolt as well as constant damage can help you clear the board as well as utility removal as well.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: Another hate piece, makes you have extra creatures as well when you deal with creature removal.

Kambal, Consul of Allocation: Pet favorite card, the amount of noncreature cards cast throughout the duration of the game is quite heavy, so this is a heavy sleeper card.

Linvala, Keeper of Silence: One of my favorite cards as well, she shuts down dorks as well activated abilites and doesn't die to bolt. Stellar card all around.

Loyal Apprentice: Extremely great synergy with this partner combination, with the low cost of our commander this nets us card draw as well as flying blockers if need to be, or just card draw fodder for Tymna.

Odric, Lunarch Marshal: I'm not going to lie, I did based a lot of the creature selection with this card. We run plenty of evergreen abilities due to this card as with our commander we already gain access to lifelink, vigilance, and first strike. This is a hell of a card since it procs on every combat.

Phyrexian Revoker: The only card that you can name mana abilities and have them not being able to activate. Also gives buff to Akiri and a hate card all around.

Queen Marchesa: A lovely card that gives you extra card advantage, and even when you don't have monarch it gives you hasty little deathtouch babies.

Serra Ascendant: Yeah this card just wins game when you have it T1, other than that its just a cheap creature that can be huge.

Stonecoil Serpent: I been a fan of this card, it pretty much adjusts to the flow of the game. Not only that it has a lot of keyword abilities that are relevant and can get through when you need that card draw.

Sun Titan: The other titan I chose to run, with a lot of our permanents costing 3 CMC or less, it's kind of a no brainer to add it in. Plus its a huge 6/6 beatstick that lets you recur stuff back over and over again.

Thalia, Heretic Cathar: Asymmetrical hatebears are the best, plus this allows us to get through with our creatures for the extra card advantage if we get this one in early on.

Mana rocks are self explanatory~

Cursed Totem: We don't run any activated abilities so this is a perfect hate card against other decks as well as buff Akiri.

Lightning Greaves: Protection at it's finest, some times we just don't like targeted removal.

Mycosynth Lattice: Well not only does this make Akiri stupidly huge, it also goes in conjunction with Vandalblast and Karn in either closing out the game or locking them down. Oh and it color fixes...everyone!

Pithing Needle: Meta card. Just a cheap hate piece to ruin peoples day.

Sensei's Divining Top: Staple card in most EDH deck, we are a control subtheme so having that option to manipulate our top library comes in handy when we need it.

Shadowspear: I love this card, it deals with what we can't really deal with and that's big dumb indestructible creatures. Allows us to pretty much target anything with our removal spells.

Torpor Orb: Yes there is a slight nonbo with the titans but that's pretty much it, other than that our deck runs fine with it in play.

Blind Obedience: With people playing fast rocks, this slows them down as well as having creatures come in tapped as well. The lifegain support helps since we are a aggro attrition deck so the pressure really hits if Blind Obedience stays on the field long enough.

Deafening Silence: This card really slows the game down, which is what we like, we need to out value them with our quality cards so this is a great way to start the game off or at any point.

Luminarch Ascension: Great bait, and a force to reckon with if unanswered. It's either you waste a removal on it or it will get out of hand.

Smothering Tithe: A disgusting card, gives you so much options once you have mana and a huge Akiri on board.

Removal cards are self explanatory~

Boros Charm: Sometimes there is an impending wrath coming down, and this tells them no. The other utility effects does come in handy and bonus points if you kill someone with Boros Charm!

Enlightened Tutor: ...Duh, artifact heavy deck, grabs us utility...why not?

Hide / Seek: One of my favorite Mardu cards, can selectively hate out a card if you know what decks your opponent is running, or it can double as a removal spell.

Imp's Mischief: Fun card, and not much people really see this card. It's a black Counterspell!

Kolaghan's Command: I love versatility and this can do many things in the span of one card, all of them are relevant to our deck!

Rakdos Charm: Sometimes we just need to hate on that one player playing with their graveyard. Also has use in popping other peoples artifact or going against those going wide deck.

Silence: Tells people to essentially shut up. Can basically Time Walk a person's turn as well.

Teferi's Protection: Your oh shit button. When you just need to sit in time out for a bit.

Vampiric Tutor: Um yeah...black tutor, hello? Almost always used to grab a Mana Crypt but useful in almost any situation.

Austere Command: When the board gets too congested or even a selective boardwipe.

Demonic Tutor: Please read Vampiric Tutor.

Imperial Seal: Please read the one above this one :P

Vandalblast: Asymmetrical artifact wipe, but also goes in conjunction with Mycosynth Lattice.

Karn, the Great Creator: Mainly used for the static ability, but all abilities are relevant in making your creatures artifact to swing with Tymna, removal for other 0 drop rocks on the opponents side, or even grabbing your artifacts from exile. Great all around card. Oh and locks with Mycosynth Lattice if you want to be that person only playing Magic.

  • Card Draw
  • Value Oriented
  • Scale-able Power Level

The main strength of this deck is the ability to gain value extremely fast. The more you out tempo your opponents and shut them down the easier this deck becomes. We run a lot of value creatures that are hard to deal with by themselves, we are dropping either bombs or little creatures that synergize well with the rest of the deck. In addition the better your opponents deck is the better this deck gets with it's flexibility on answering them. We are proactive in applying pressure but reactive as well when dealing with threats.

  • Boardwipes
  • Artifact Reliant
  • Combo Decks

Our main issue is dealing with board wipes, if we have a good board presence going, one board wipe can set us back quite far. Not only that Null Rod shafts us really hard as well as an opposing Karn or Collector Ouphe. Being on a slow aggro control build, combo deck is our weakness if we don't rush them down hard enough or slow them enough with our creature hate bears.

Optimally what you want to have in your hand will be something akin to:

  • 2-3 Lands (Prioritize , than , than )
  • 1-2 Artifact Ramp
  • 1-2 Low CMC creatures or hate pieces
  • 1-2 Interaction spells

Hands are fairly simple with this deck, its more meta based than anything else if you know what decks you are fighting against. You will always almost want to have at least ramp in your hand as want Tymna on T2 preferably, but if not you will have Akiri T2 than Tymna T3 and start your draw engine up. However because the deck is so flexible, you will always ramp first than adjust according to the board state. Main focus is always get a card draw engine up than start casting those value pieces away and answering threats.

If there are any comments on how I can improve my deck more, please let me know!!

+1 Upvote if ya like dem Mardu Beats!!!


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Finally got the time to sit down and write a primer. It's been long overdue for it and I been having a blast with this deck!

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91% Competitive

Revision 28 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Mana Confluence main
-1 Sulfurous Springs main
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

59 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.56
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Assassin 1/1 B w/ Haste, Elephant 3-3 G, Monarch Emblem, Thopter 1/1 C, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B, Zombie Warrior 4/4 B
Folders Active EDH Decks
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